At cultivation of onions it is very important to observe agrotechnology to avoid various diseases of plant, the attacks of wreckers and not to allow decrease in productivity of culture. For example, certain rules of leaving help to prevent emergence on beds of onions fly and worms - insects of whom in consequence it is very difficult to get rid.
Worms on onions beds most often appear from behind the raised soil dampness therefore to prevent appearance of wreckers, it is necessary to take care of that water did not stand in the soil. For this purpose it is enough to systematize watering properly. However if long time there are rains, then just the refusal of watering is not enough not to allow emergence of worms in bulbs and feathers of culture. In this case it is necessary to carry out soil processing by special medicines. As watering potassium permanganate solutions will approach (means has to be gentle-pink color) and copper oxychloride (20 grams of medicine on 10 liters of water). For spraying of elevated part of plant it is worth looking narrowly at dandelions decoction and soap. For creation of structure it is necessary to boil thoroughly 100 grams of roots of dandelions 15 minutes in boiled water liter, and after full cooling of broth to filter it and to add tablespoon of liquid soap.
What to water onions from worms in roots with
If worms nevertheless have appeared in bulbs and roots of culture, then it will be very difficult to get rid of them. Only timely processing of beds throughout the entire period of vegetation up to harvesting will help not to allow distribution of wreckers and to save the remained harvest.
This medicine helps not only to suppress wreckers, but also struggles with many diseases of plants. For creation of solution it is necessary to dissolve four tablets of metronidazole in water bucket. Not to do much harm to culture, the amount of the poured medicine should not exceed more than five liters of structure on square meter of bed.
Ammonia solution
Medicine due to ""aroma"" frightens off wreckers. For watering of beds it is necessary to dissolve 40 ml of ammonia solution in 10 liters of water. For more effective result it is better to use watering can with the diffuser. It should be noted that processing of onions it is necessary to spend by ammonia solution each three weeks.
Salt solution
Solution on the basis of salt is very effective against worms larvae of onions fly. The efficiency of structure depends on its concentration, however for watering it is possible to use only water with 30-50 grams of salt dissolved in it on liter. It is necessary to pour in ready solution under roots of plants, introduction of structure from watering can with the diffuser is not forbidden, only in the second case two-three hours later after the procedure it is necessary to spill beds clear water to wash away salt from feathers.
Infusion of tops of vegetable
Worms do not love pungent smells therefore infusions of odorous plants are fine means from these wreckers. As basis of infusion it is possible to use tops of vegetable of various cultures - potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, etc. For creation of ""potion"" it is necessary to fill half bucket with the crushed tops of vegetable, to fill in up to the top with warm water, and hour later everything properly to mix, filter and at once to use for designated purpose.