What balcony flowers the most popular

What balcony flowers the most popular

Housekeeping Hits: 154

Today on the balconies grow up spicy herbs, there expose houseplants for the summer. But the most popular option of decoration of balconies and loggias - flowerpots and boxes with bright ingates. Among flowers copies with interesting coloring, original form of lobes, the bushy and ampelous forms which are quickly turning city balcony into magnificent garden are popular.

Rules of the choice of balcony flowers

Most often on the balconies land ingates and also adult two-year plants on the second year of life. Unpretentious plants with the big period of blossoming are most popular. It is important that flowers well transferred balcony conditions - shadow or bright sun, wind, limited space and also were resistant to wreckers.

Owners of southwest and southeast balconies and loggias have the widest choice of plants. In the conditions of alternation of the bright and scattered sun with half-shade the majority of popular ingates well grows. Those at whom balconies are in shadow will suit the plants which are not transferring surplus of direct sunshine: lobelia, tuberous begonia, hop, tobacco, daisy. Owners of the southern balconies and terraces will suit the flowers preferring sun roast. The gillyflower, petunia, mignonette, kobeya, the irezena and others concern them calendula, lavater.

Balcony leaders

The leader of balcony flower beds - petunia. This plant differs in richness of coloring and forms. It is possible to find sectional and ampelous views, plants with small and large, terry or pestrookrashenny flowers in sale. Petunya love good watering, but do not transfer stagnation of moisture in the soil. They need to be fertilized during the entire period of blossoming and in due time to delete faded flowers. At observance of all rules of petunia blossom from June to September. The favourite of the shaded balconies - begonia. These plants with bright colors of red, white, yellow or pink tones badly transfer sun roast. They are undemanding to watering and quality of the soil, do not expand too magnificently, forming compact bushes. Great option for gardening - the curling lianas. For balconies especially often buy ipomeyu, kobeyu and sweet pea. These flowers grow very quickly: during the summer they are capable to create the presents "green walls" on your balcony. Lianas do not love too sun roast, preferring soft diffused light and good watering. Very effectively marigold and saffron look. These flowers can be grown up from seeds, but more often they are bought in the form of seedling. On sale there are all shades of solar gamma - from lemon to dark orange. These flowers land in boxes and flowerpots, combining them with other plants. The only minus of saffron and marigold - sensitivity to wreckers, especially to web tick. Very elegantly also the nasturtium looks. She is recommended to be imprisoned seeds - seedling too brittle and badly takes root. The nasturtium loves moderate sunlight and abundance of moisture. And here the excess of fertilizers harms it. The nasturtiums growing on too nutritious soil develop abundant green material and cease to blossom. The pleasant atmosphere on the balcony is created by fragrant flowers - mattiola, mignonette, alissum and fragrant tobacco. These plants land in the form of seedling. On sale there are hybrid forms of different shades, from purely - white to violet. It is better to combine undersized plants with high or curling - together they form harmonious composition. Some plants smell sweet in the afternoon, others - after sunset. At the correct selection of flowers your balcony will be always filled with gentle aroma.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
