Threshed it is possible by the right to call many-sided plant, but not only for variety of grades, but also for variety of names – stone rose, eternally live or young, evergreen, chameleon.
Threshed (the botanical name sempervivum) – in its official botanical description it is told that this unique and universal plant which is ideal for registration the rock aria, beds or the lower tiers of the Alpine hills. During dormant period the decorative properties are provided with the fleshy leaves collected in fine "bud" and when Molodilo blossoms, it is similar to cactus of exotic look. The plant belongs to species of crassulas, it long-term, is easy to grow up and make multiple copies it. Threshed steadily to low temperatures, serves as ornament already during this period when snow has only descended and other plants still "sleep".
Threshed – ideal ornamental plant, and unpretentious both to lighting, and to soil type. It successfully mask sites with poor soil where a priori nothing grows, for example, on the place of the demolished house. Form borders around beds of it, difficult "patterns" near paths, create vertical phytopictures or phytowalls. Interesting that at different lighting at plant different coloring.
The main requirements to the choice of the place for Molodil in garden to which experts in the field of botany recommend to adhere:
- the sandy, easy, not sour soil with good drainage,
- clay and chernozem soil, with "pillow" from gravel,
- cultivation in pots – cactus soil with haydite and wood shaving,
- sufficient lighting or easy, not constant shadow.
Before Molodil's landing the site is carefully cleared of weeds and fragments of their roots. It is possible to sift soil on those sites where earlier there were constructions. It is important to consider that at good lighting the plant will blossom is more abundant.
Roots of plant do not expand inside therefore the distance between saplings can be minimum – from 5 cm. Deep poles for landing do not need to be done, it is enough to provide dense contact of sapling with the soil.
There is legend that has been for the first time found by Molodilo in the Caucasus, and exactly there it was named "Caucasian stone rose" as it has been found in mountains. And this myth partly is confirmed by lack of need for laborious care for plant.
Before landing the soil under Molodilo (sempervivum) does not need fertilizer. Abundant waterings are not necessary, it is rather simple to watch that soil did not dry up and did not burst – to water if necessary and to loosen, but is very accurate as the root system is located at earth surface.
In the people this flower is called still "Ajuga". For the winter it does not need to be covered and protected from low temperatures. The only requirement – not to allow overgrowing of the site with Molodil. Two-year sockets can become the reason of rotting new which it is abundant expand near "maternal".
Simplicity of reproduction – one of the main advantages of this plant. The most widespread way – vegetative when the number of sockets increases at the expense of the affiliated ovaries which are formed between leaves of uterine sockets or in row-spacings. The young ovary, peculiar baby, takes roots at once as soon as concerns the soil, and it can be replaced, without waiting until the root system gets stronger.
Possibly and compulsory office of again formed "peas" of ovaries. They are removed from maternal plant and just spread on the surface of soil. Street this or house reproduction – does not matter. Threshed will take root and will take roots anyway. Ovaries well transfer even lack of contact with the soil, and they can be transported, sent by mail and to store quite long time.
Threshed it is possible to make multiple copies also in the seed way. Seeds just spray on the site, powder with dust, and in several days very small ovaries of plant appear. In this case it is necessary to give preference to sandy soils or to cover the site with sand layer.
Experts in the field of landscaping recommend to choose Molodilo for registration of the house adjoining territory where recently construction has ended, and the soil is exhausted. By means of this plant the yard will become beautiful in month after Molodil's disembarkation.