For protection of owner-occupied dwelling against lightning discharge the lightning rod serves. This simple design can be mounted independently. As the interception rod it is possible to use the metal pin, rope, steel grid.
Lightning protection is required to each owner-occupied dwelling, but in particular that which is located on the height, in distance from other buildings, near reservoir. If the number of the storm periods exceeds 40 hours a year, then the risk of defeat by charge of lightning is maximum. For protection of private possession use the lightning rod.
What does the lightning rod consist of?
The lightning rod is chain with the smallest resistance which assumes destructive electric discharge and takes away it to the earth. This design consists of three elements: interception rod, current tap and ground loop.
As the interception rod use the metal pin from 0.25 to 1.5 m long and with a section not less than 10 mm. It is mounted in the highest point on construction roof. It can be smoke pipe, the fad, the television antenna. It is desirable that the metal pin was not subject to oxidation processes therefore it is recommended to use copper or galvanized steel. If tube hollow, the face directed up has to be made. As the current tap use steel wire with a section of 0.6 mm, one end of which weld on the lightning rod, the second – on the grounding contour. The last represents the same grounding point which is used for safety of operation of electrical household appliances. The simplest contour can be made of three metal pins not less than 2 m long connected among themselves by metal strip. For mounting of the grounding contour it will be required to dig out three poles of 50-60 cm in depth with distance between them not less than 1.2 m. It is possible to arrange deepenings as in the form of triangle, and in a straight line. Then between poles dig out trenches of similar depth. Pins drive in soil, and the acting upper parts connect metal strip, welding it on them. Then make backfilling, condense soil and level. As pins it is possible to use metal corner of 5/5 cm or water pipe.
What else can be used as the lightning rod?
For the roofs staled onduliny, soft tile as the interception rod it is possible to take metal rope. It needs to be pulled along the roof fad, having strengthened on two wooden support 1-1.5 m high. The rope is connected to the current tap. Instead of rope it is possible to use the metal gauze. Its mounting is similar: on wooden support along roof ridge.