How to update table-top

How to update table-top

Housekeeping Hits: 177

Table-top integral part of kitchen furniture. On it put hot frying pans, pans, cut vegetables and different products. And over time exterior of surface of table spoils. Therefore it is required to update table-top.

It is required to you


1. If your country table wintered on air, then at first remove all traces of rain and snow. Examine table-top regarding scratches and cracks. Clean surface of table, then degrease cleaning agent.

2. If the table-top has been varnished also quality of varnish in satisfactory condition, then process surface small abrasive paper. For this purpose paste it on bar. With circular motions process table-top surface until it becomes rough and opaque.

3. Cover chips and deep scratches with joiner's putty. That putty well kept, remove layer of old varnish in dents. Wait for full drying of joiner's putty. Take fine-grained abrasive paper and accurately smooth out places of repair on table-top surface.

4. By means of the roller cover table-top with alkyd paint. The first coat of paint is priming. After paint drying-out, coat table once again.

5. If there is need to paint table legs, then invert it and repeat all actions, as well as for table-top.

6. It is possible to update table if to change its design. You can easily turn old table-top into beautiful picture. For this purpose apply the drawing on the painted, clean and dry surface with emulsion. It is easier to work with emulsion paint, than oil paint. When the emulsion dries up, cover table-top surface with acrylic lacquer.

7. For the following option of updating of table-top use ancient technology of dressing – decoupage. For this purpose cover zashkurenny surface of table with white acrylic paint.

8. While the surface of table-top dries up, cut out the motives which were pleasant to you from fabric, paper or napkins. Take special glue for decoupage and paste on table-top surface the cut patterns from napkin or fabric.

9. Let's table-top dry up well and varnish surface. If necessary put still varnish coat. The updated table-top will serve to you not one more year.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
