Repair works or creative rushes of sculptors often demand to saw stone. For this purpose there are fulfilled technologies and also special machines.
1. Begin work on the stone-cutting machine with reading of the instructions attached to it. Install the machine on support or use strong table. On the end of shaft fix detachable disk. Tighten nut, turn shaft hand and make sure that moving parts touch nothing. After that pour in so much cooling liquid in tank that the disk plunged into liquid approximately on half-centimeter.
2. Fix stone in clip. If it is necessary to cut it on plates, then the stone needs to be put forward from clip on decent distance, then it will be possible to saw through it without shift several times as at shift it will be hard to arrange the stone plane parallel to detachable disk again. Examine stone before cut, define the best direction of section.
3. Now give stone on detachable disk. On machines with mechanical giving it is necessary to advance support so that the stone practically concerned disk. Establish after that low feed speed, turn on the motor. When the saw enters stone, there will be metal ringing sound. Continue cut some time, then stop the motor and make sure of parallelism of the machine cut of the plane of disk that the stone remained on the place and the disk does not rub about stone. If everything is all right, again turn on the motor and continue. Pay attention if the stone dries in cutting zone, dry dust or fan of sparks at contact of stone with disk appears. In such cases it is necessary to reduce feed speed.
4. Avoid the excessive pressure upon disk at end of cut. Stop saw better, without having finished cut, and break off plate hands. The ledge which has remained in the place of splitting off can be removed by means of normal nippers. In the same way work also at cutting saw, only the stone should be held and directed hands.