How to replace the fluorescent lamp

How to replace the fluorescent lamp

Housekeeping Hits: 177

Any luminescent lamp is the difficult device which has many structural components and large number of contacts. Often there is need of replacement of lamp for such lamp.


1. Consider that it is necessary to take out the fluorescent lamp from the boss carefully. Otherwise it is possible to damage easily socle or to break lamp glass. In such lamps there are mercury vapors which are very toxic. They can work great mischief to human body. Feature of operation of such lamps is availability in the scheme of turning on of the auxiliary equipment – throttle and the starter. If there is no ignition of lamp, then it is necessary to check first of all serviceability of the power supply network and also separate elements of the scheme of inclusion of lamp.

2. The fluorescent lamp needs to be operated in standard conditions. There has to be uninterrupted tension in power line and favorable ambient air temperature. It should be noted that the nature of gas discharge more depends on gas pressure size and also mercury vapors in which there is discharge. If there is fall of temperature, then vapor pressure in lamp will fall. Because of it ignition process and also burning will worsen. The fluorescent lamp can be used only at temperature from 20 to 25 °C. Even if the power supply network and all its elements are serviceable, the lamp can not be lit. The reason can be in ambient temperature. Such lamps usually not at once, and after several operations of the starter are lit. Full ignition usually happens in 15 seconds. If during this time the lamp does not light up, then it is worth looking for the reason which can be both in the lamp, and in separate elements of the scheme of inclusion.

3. If the lamp blinks, but does not light up, then the reason can consist in short circuit of wires or in conclusions of the lamp. To eliminate this fault it is necessary to rearrange lamp so that the shining and faulty end have been traded places. If blinking of lamp continues, then it is recommended to replace it or to try to find defect in the holder or in wiring.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
