Quite often people face problem which consists in puncture of the air mattress used as bed. This problem is quite just solved. It is possible to repair air mattress the hands.
1. If the cut is made pricker, knife or the glass, then it is possible to use repair kit for restoration. Most often it is delivered together with mattress. If the repair kit was not with mattress, then it can always be got in specialized shop. Now set for repair of air mattresses of Intex 59632 enjoys wide popularity. In its set there is tube of heavy-duty glue and 4 patches.
2. The universal set can be used practically for any air mattress. Let's note, before gluing together it is necessary to degrease and zashkurit surfaces. For degreasing it is recommended to use alcohol. It is possible to Zashkurit normal fine-grained abrasive paper. After the product is stuck together, it cannot use about 4 hours.
3. The air mattress can be also punched on the beach by sharp stone. First of all it is necessary to follow service regulations. They will be able to save you from set of the problems connected with mattress. At small punctures the main problem consists in search of hole. To find it it is necessary to inflate mattress and to submerge it in water. From the place of puncture bubbles will surely go. If there are no bubbles, then it is necessary to inflate stronger. The fact is that the puncture can be very small. Also it should be taken into account that when the mattress is strongly inflated, it cannot almost be submerged in water. In such situation it is necessary it is abundant to moisten it with water and to cover densely with soap. In the place of puncture, soap bubbles will appear.
4. Also air mattress can be repaired by means of crude rubber. For a start cut out patch from rubber. Its diameter has to be 1 centimeter more, than diameter of cut. Then degrease also to zashkurta both adherend surfaces. After that it is possible to put crude rubber to mattress. It is necessary to press down from above heavy subject.