Adhesive tape – quite useful invention which often is just necessary in life - both in living conditions, and in various fields of activity. But after application of adhesive tape there are residues of glue on glasses or polished surface of furniture which to wash rather difficult.
It is required to you
- - ordinary vegetable oil;
- - cotton pads;
- - soap or any cleanser;
- - gasoline or acetone.
1. Take cotton pad and pour on it small amount of vegetable oil. Rub this disk that place where from adhesive tape there were glue traces. If it is required, take other disk or add oil. Wipe until the surface does not begin to shine and will not become smooth. After all traces are removed from adhesive tape, wipe residues of oil dry disk. This way is suitable for any smooth surfaces which are not afraid of greasy spots.
2. Drip a little cleaning agent for ware or soap sponge soap or means for removal of fat. Wash out surface from oil once again. Toys and various small objects can be washed under the crane.
3. Carefully wash up surface from means for washing of ware or washed. Further wipe it dry rag or blank cotton pad. Glass products can be wiped with special means. From children's toys it is not recommended to apply harmful chemicals to removal of traces of stickers.
4. Consider, during removal of glue from adhesive tape from clothes vegetable oil will not help, and on the contrary – will spoil thing, having left fat spots. Use for removal of traces from adhesive tape from clothes more effective remedies – alcohol or acetone. Also gasoline will approach, but its caustic smell remains for a long time.
5. If it is necessary to remove the adhesive tape remains from glasses or the surfaces of the car, take cotton tampon, moisten it in gasoline and rub necessary places. Gasoline will evaporate at once, and it does not constitute danger to body covering.
6. To remove traces from adhesive tape on wooden furniture, use eraser. Wipe muddy spots with any soft rags.
7. Do not forget what to wipe with acetone and alcohol it is possible plastic, for colored surfaces it is better to use other means. If surface unpolished, use hozyaystvenno soap; alcohol and acetone can leave spots.