Both the fan, and the professional have to know that dry import feeds for fishes are not panacea. If you set the task to part, grow up fully developed fish, never forget about water fleas. It is excellent forage for fish. Problem only that it is difficult to get this very high-calorie forage. It is possible to get in the nature, but only in the spring and in the summer. Besides, you risk to bring in the aquarium together with wild water flea some infection.
1. Cultivation of water fleas requires the net glass or plastic capacity of 30-50 liters minimum. In this capacity fill in tap water, let it stand 2-3 days.
2. Carry out to capacity airsupply (without filter) or use time in day of gravies in hydrogen peroxide water (from 5 to 10 ml). Don't be afraid: in water it decays on pure oxygen and water.
3. In capacity place the live caught water fleas or buy "domestic" water fleas from the experienced aquarian. For fertilizing buy dry baking yeast, measure 10-20 grams and dissolve in 100-200 ml of warm water, then add to capacity with live water fleas in the small portions before acquisition by water of beige color.
4. Remember that the following fertilizing needs to be done not earlier than when water in capacity becomes transparent again. Except yeast you can diversify the menu with small portion of the blood which has remained from the washed-out meat. You can use also packaged forage for whitebaits. Few times in week add 0.5 grams of ammonium nitrate to water.
5. Maintain water temperature in capacity at the level of not lower than 25 degrees. For the winter transplant several crustaceans in separate capacity with lower temperature and without introduction of food. They will die, but will manage to lay eggs. Place these eggs in total capacity - it will give you new population of fish forage.