The lamp made by own hands has number of essential advantages before purchased. First, you know for sure features of interior design of the room in which arrange future device, so, will make it just the same what you want to see. Secondly, process of production will capture you and will deliver the sea of pleasure.
It is required to you
- Lamp;
- Boss;
- Wire in isolation;
- Fork;
- Part for the lamp shade;
- Tolstaya flexible (or motionless at your discretion) tube with cavity inside;
- Platform basis.
1. The part for the lamp shade can have the most unexpected form, for example, sphere from transparent or opal glass, color or white, with the drawing or monophonic. It is undesirable to use in this quality of plasticity – from influence of temperature, especially if it is the glow lamp, but not daylight, it will melt, deformed, and even will begin to drip on lamp.
2. Insert lamp into cartridge, fix cartridge in the lamp shade. Solder one end of wire to the boss. Isolate the place of soldering by insulating tape or other non-conductive material. Stretch wire through tube.
3. In the basis make opening on diameter of tube. Insert it inside, record epoxy resin, superglue or other material. Decorate the platform: paint, paste over with leather or suede, fill up with stones or beads with beads. It is possible to decorate with similar way also tube, but at the movement some types of jewelry can oblezt, crack or be showered.
4. Solder fork to other end of wire. Isolate the place of soldering. Insert fork into the socket to check work of lamp. At you the simplest option of desk lamp, without inclusion button has turned out. For work just include it in the power supply network.