The modern industry offers consumers not only air mattresses, but also air beds. They bring to people comfort and convenience. They are mobile, compact and very convenient in storage. That the air mattress served you long, correctly inflate and blow off it.
It is required to you
- - air mattress;
- - pump.
1. As the air mattress – thing rather big, is more convenient to inflate it by means of the pump. Use special pumps. Sometimes producers complete mattress with such device. If it is not in set, use low-pressure pumps. They can be manual, foot or electric. Electric pumps inflate mattress very quickly. However it is necessary to watch closely pumping process very much. There is danger to damage mattress.
2. Do not use compressors, automobile pumps. Do not use the hair dryer at all! Hot air damages material of which the mattress is made. Inflate product before straightening of folds. Touch mattress – it has to become rather elastic.
3. It is possible to inflate mattress stronger or more weakly. It depends on your feeling of comfort. It is ideal to inflate it on ¾. Pumping to limit can cause damage of seams even if they seem very strong. Repair of mattress is possible also in house conditions, but it is better not to bring to it. If the product long is in the sun or not one person uses it, it is better to pump up it less, than on ¾. The mumpish mattress demands periodic podkachivaniye.
4. Blowing of air mattress also process important. Fortunately, the majority of mattresses has quite big special valves. Air through them comes out pretty fast. Open the valve and let out the air from mattress gradually. That air came out completely, slightly press surface. But not too be zealous! You can damage seams. If the mattress needs to be blown off very quickly, use the pump.