Cacti – family of long-term succulents which representatives have extended from America on all continents, excepting Antarctica. Thanks to singularity and variety of forms, cacti enjoy wide popularity at fans of room floriculture. These plants seeds and shanks breed.
It is required to you
- - wood charcoal;
- - tissues;
- - sheet earth;
- - cespitose earth;
- - sand;
- - haydite.
1. Cherenkovaniye is used for reproduction of forms of the cacti removed as a result of selection as the young plants which have sprouted from seeds can not inherit all signs of grade. Besides, in such a way it is possible to save the begun to rot cactus, having cut off and having implanted its top. It is recommended to cut off shanks in the spring or at the beginning of summer.
2. Cut off shank from plant perpendicular to its axis. It can be done by means of sharp knife, having wiped its edge with alcohol. If you cut off upper part from the begun to rot plant, separate all damaged sites to healthy fabric. Before making the last cut, once again wipe with alcohol knife blade.
3. Some flower growers who are engaged in cultivation of cacti recommend to grind shank cut at an angle forty five degrees from all directions, without damaging the central cylinder. After drying the surface of such cut will not be involved in plant and does not form pole in which the mold is usually got.
4. Dry planting stock within two-three days, having spread out shanks cuts to the sun. It is possible to powder cuts the wood charcoal pounded in powder.
5. After cuts dry up, place shanks in container, having put them vertically on layer of slightly crumpled tissues. Put capacity with plants in well lit place. Different types of cacti need different period for otrashchivaniye of roots. This process can borrow from two weeks to six months.
6. There is way of rooting of cacti over the container with water. To implant shanks this way, pour water into superficial container and attach to it cover with opening. Over opening place the dried cactus shank so that it did not adjoin to water. Cover container with shank of transparent and put to the warm, well lit place.
7. Shanks which had had roots can be transplanted on separate pots. For this purpose put drainage in pots and fill over it mix from part sheet, parts of the cespitose earth and two parts of the washed-out bank sand. It is recommended to add the crushed wood charcoal to mix.
8. The shank should be put to the soil so that in the earth there were only roots. The plant after landing will be in quite unstable situation, but it can be corrected. Put in pot with shank the top drainage and record cactus in vertical position by means of large granules. As the top drainage it is possible to use the haydite washed with hot water.