How to grow up parsley in the greenhouse

How to grow up parsley in the greenhouse

Such green culture as parsley, grows up practically each summer resident. And it is not surprising as this fragrant plant is considered richly useful substances and vitamins, and edible part both stalks, and parsley root crops. As to grow up parsley in hothouse conditions and all the year round to enjoy greens on the table?


1. Usually in hothouse conditions grow up parsley for personal consumption and in small volumes. More economic method is not cultivation, and distillation. Parsley by right is considered cold-resistant plant, however its cold resistance sharply decreases during emergence of the first shoots. During growth of greens temperature has to be within 10-12 degrees, temperature over 30 degrees is harmful to plants. It is recommended to grow up parsley in film mobile tunnels, on condition of establishing periodic heating.

2. For cultivation of parsley it is necessary to organize or prepare possibility of drop watering and also good lighting at the expense of fluorescent lamps. Avoid sharp temperature drops and provide periodic airing for maintenance of optimum moisture content and air temperature.

3. In greenhouses and film tunnels begin jumping of parsley during the period since the end of January and prior to the beginning of February, by no means not earlier. In poorly warmed constructions or not warmed at all (in favorable winter) summer culture is grown up till December-January. It is possible to grow up in the greenhouse any grades of parsley. In well warmed greenhouses sow culture since the beginning of February, leaving between seeds interval - five centimeters. Thin out the appeared shoots, and leave on one plant from intervals 2-4 centimeters.

4. When using biofuel in the greenhouse or hotbed thickness of substrate has to be 10-12 centimeters. All care for parsley greens mainly consists in timely removal of weeds and maintenance of optimum microclimate. At spring cultivation, the first cuts are made April, then in May. The average yield of parsley from one square meter is 0.8-1.2 kilograms of greens.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
