How to grow up arugula: beauty and health on windowsill

How to grow up arugula: beauty and health on windowsill

One of modern hobbies of women – weight loss by means of arugula. Thanks to set of useful substances (vitamin C, iodine, iron), arugula is incredibly useful.

Many seductresses claim that regular consumption of these greens even seriously affects appetite towards its disappearance and as result, weight reduction.

Good news: now it is possible not only to buy arugula in shop, but also to grow up independently. And – not only on personal plot. Judging by responses of hostesses, they have adapted to grow up it directly on windowsill!

How to preserve the family budget, at the same time without refusing to itself such useful and tasty additive to salad in the winter? Very simply: it is possible to grow up it independently.

The algorithm of cultivation of arugula on windowsill is simple.

1. We choose the capacity in which the plant will grow.

As depth of seal of arugula of 11 cm, pot has to be deeper on centimeters 10. Skilled hostesses recommend squared pots which it is possible to arrange on windowsill. As a rule, in length they will be about a meter, and it is possible to land grass in them one-two rows.

2. Landing of seeds.

Planting of seeds as it was already mentioned, has to be made by row at depth of 10-11 cm. After that grass it is abundant we water once a day. If everything is made correctly, then the first shoots have to seem in week.

3. We wait for harvest!

Some secrets of cultivation of arugula on windowsill:

Arugula quickly enough grows, and in month you will be able already to add it to the culinary delicacy.

Arugula loves abundant watering. If water will be enough, then it will have leaflets much more, and it will practically not taste bitter.

As on windowsill arugula is grown up, as a rule, in cold season, it is necessary to buy grades which are removed for cultivation in agriculture midland (otherwise light and heat can just not be enough in order that the taste has turned out usual).

We recommend the following grades which cultivation is already tested on windowsill: Early ripening (cultivation term – 20 days): "Solitaire" and "Rococo".

Mid-season (cultivation term – month): Corsica, "Euphoria", Sicily, Roket.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
