Houseplants in pots give special cosiness to the apartment, supplement design and just are pleasing to the eye the blossoming. But at cultivation of flowers it is possible to face such problem as flower midges which postpone larvae to the soil and do irreparable harm to roots of plants. It is possible to get rid of them as by means of folk remedies, and special chemical medicines.
It is required to you
- - ashes or sand;
- - potassium permanganate;
- - laundry soap;
- - matches;
- - orange peel;
- - garlic;
- - chemical medicines against midges.
1. First of all it is worth separating the infected pots with flowers from healthy, place them on different rooms. Midges are marshy insects and appear in the rehumidified and soured soil, it also is the excellent environment for development and activity of mushroom komarik. Limit plant some time in watering, dry soil. The dried-up earth will already become the unusual environment for dwelling of these parasites.
2. Remove top soil (about two centimeters) and podsypta layer of ashes or the calcinated sand, thus, you gain the drying effect. Sand and ashes does not allow the earth to gather in themselves moisture, the drainage effect which will interfere with further development of midges is created.
3. Part several chips of permanganate of potassium in water that weak-pink solution has turned out. Spray plant and top soil by means of spray. This solution will help not only to disinfect the soil and to expel midges, but also serves as excellent fertilizer for plant. Solution of potassium permanganate can be replaced with soap solution.
4. The safest, economical and very effective way for fight against flower midge is use of sulfur. To process one flowerpot infected with midge you will need only four matches. Turn them sulfuric heads down and thrust to the earth, then slightly humidify top soil.
5. Thrust several crusts of fresh orange peel to the earth or spread out the garlic cut on segments on the surface of soil. Buy in flower shop special medicine for fight against midges, their benefit exists much (Aktara or "Thunder-2"). These means should be diluted in water according to the instruction. Water the soil with these chemical means only in the presence of larvae and midges in pot.
6. If you were helped by all above-mentioned advice, then it is necessary to change all earth. Accurately take plant from pot and shake off the earth, try not to damage roots at the same time. Wash out roots under water jet of room temperature and fill up with the new soil which is previously calcinated in oven to avoid repeated infection of flower. Water with weak solution of permanganate of potassium.