Very few people are glad to uninvited guests. And if guests behave impudently, spoil our products, furniture, harm owners as soon as can at any time? Of course, such guests need to be expelled as soon as possible. It is about mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and the other small living creatures capable to bring us serious troubles. So, we declare war on insects.
1. Fight with tarakanamiponadobyatsya-insecticides; - drill; - boric acid; - flour, sakhartarakana are carriers of many diseases. The basic rule of fight against them – regular processing of rooms where they have lodged, insecticides. It is also important to maintain sterile purity in the house that cockroaches had nothing to eat. At all survivability of cockroaches they still have not got used to connections of pine forest. If you had had cockroaches (red or black) – spread out in corners, along plinths, about garbage can bait which monthly replace with fresh. Baits: 1. boric acid slightly is humidified and mixes up with bread crumbs; 2. drill mixes up with flour and sugar approximately in equal proportions; 3. boric acid mixes up with polished boiled potato. Having spread out bait, you watch that cockroaches could not reach water. For this purpose carefully close cranes, you watch that there was no slightest dampness.
2. Fight against flies - tansy flowers; - rosin; - honey; - vegetable oil. Flies eat food waste. So, the most effective way of fight against them is maintenance of purity in the apartment, densely closed buckets with waste, hermetically packed products and regular carrying out of garbage. Frequent airing of the apartment also promotes disposal of winged wreckers. The fact is that flies very much do not love drafts. However, as well as turpentine smell and also acetic essence. Therefore, during mopping add to water a little vinegar or turpentine. Velcros on window leaf, the window frame wiped with vinegar perfectly will protect from invasion of flies during seasons when most of people holds windows open. The velcro can be prepared, having smeared tape from the tough paper with the gluing mix. Preparation of the gluing mix: kindle 90 grams of rosin in can, add to it 30 grams of vegetable oil (any) and tea spoon of honey. The gluing structure is ready. Now take brush and accurately apply it on paper strips. Flies do not take out aroma of tansy. And therefore, at least, in the summer always leave bunch of these flowers in the room.
3. Fight with komaramiponadobitsya: - fumigant injectors; - valeryana leaves; - carnation oil. The main means of fight against bloodsuckers are electrofumigant injectors and means for them. Besides fumigant injectors, there is mass of other means if not to destroy, then to qualitatively frighten off blood-suckers. So, for example, mosquitoes do not take out smell of some plants. Put under bed in the bedroom sack with valeryana leaves, deliver on windowsill couple of pots with the blossoming geranium or light the aromalamp with oils of orange, anise, eucalyptus or carnation. Everything, now mosquitoes will fly about your dwelling for many kilometers.
4. Fight with the blokhamiglavny enemy of fleas – purity. Regularly remove and disinfect the dwelling, get rid of insects at pets. Fleas do not take out wormwood and kerosene. And therefore wash the floors the following structures: 1. Boil 20 grams of dry wormwood 10 minutes in water halfliter, filter and pour in bucket with water in which already planed soap; 2. Mix 150 grams of kerosene, 200 grams of soap and 2 grams of phenol in water for mopping. After that carefully wash up floors. This structure effectively destroys also adult individuals and eggs of insects.