The gooseberry belongs to the most popular berry cultures which are grown up in gardens of temperate climatic zone. Care for this bush comes down to scarification, fertilizing and forming of bush cutting. Start forming of gooseberry at once or for the year following after landing.
It is required to you
- - secateurs;
- - keyhole saw.
1. Works on cutting of gooseberry are recommended to be carried out in the early spring before kidneys are dismissed. When forming sapling it is necessary to truncate all escapes, having left on weak branches on pair of kidneys, and on stronger — from three to four.
2. When forming kornesobstvenny standard gooseberry at sapling leave strong direct escape which is shortened at height of shtamb. In upper part of escape there have to be from three to five strong kidneys of which the krone will be formed. The kidneys and escapes appearing on shtamba should be removed.
3. The next year at the young plant created in the form of bush leave four-five strongest escapes, completely cut off the others. The old gooseberry growing in suitable conditions forms many radical escapes from which annually leave three-four branches. Subsequently they will replace otplodonosivshy escapes.
4. Normally created bush of gooseberry has about ten branches of different age. Remove escapes is more senior than eight years. They differ from other branches in more dark color and the rough invoice. At some grades the old branches are bent.
5. In the course of annual forming cutting remove the escapes thickening bush. Cut off the branches which are broken off and damaged by frost completely or to the next healthy kidney depending on age and condition of escape. Truncate the hung ends of the extended branches to the next strong branch or kidney growing up.
6. If spring in the fall, after gathering berries. Postpone all other cutting to the next spring.
7. At spring cutting of thickened bush of gooseberry in which forming nobody was engaged before remove radical young growth and thin out bush. Cut off the hung branches to the direct site. It is possible to leave the taken roots branches growing from the lower part of bush till fall.
8. After harvesting cut off the oldest escapes. The taken roots branches can be separated from bush and to land on the lit site with the friable soil. Before landing of gooseberry the site is dug over and delete roots of weeds from the earth. Depending on fertility of the soil bring when redigging from two to four kilograms of organic fertilizer on square meter of the site.