For many allergic persons time when some plants produce the pollen becomes nightmare. The pollination type by means of wind is not really effective therefore plants release huge amount of pollen. It becomes the cause of allergic rhinitis. To create garden in which allergic persons will feel well, quite feasible.
1. Do not put in garden of trees - allergens (poplar, ash-tree, birch, aspen, oak, willow) From herbs avoid landing of wormwood, oats, meadow grass.
2. Prefer to landing of plant, pollinated by insects or the plants self-pollinated. Astilba, phloxes, Veronika, hand bells, irises, snowdrops, lion's pharynx, forget-me-not, tulips, peonies, narcissuses. All these fine plants can take the worthy place in the allergic person's garden.
3. "Rock-garden" which main elements are stones, gravel and sand will be very good decision in this situation. Choose plants for rock-garden hypoallergenic – rhododendrons, azaleas, mosses, ferns, bamboo.
4. Use in the garden succulents – various cacti, scarlet, agaves. They emit not enough pollen.
5. Think of cultivation of such herbs as lavender, mint, sage and rosemary. They, as a rule, do not cause allergies.
6. If you dream of kitchen garden, then prefer such vegetables as salad, tomatoes, potatoes.
7. With lawn there can be problems. It is impossible to allow lawn herbs to blossom, they need to be mown regularly. To solve to you.
8. It is very good to get reservoir with water plants - water-lilies, lotuses. They spread the pollen in water or are pollinated by insects.
9. From bushes prefer honeysuckle, guelder-rose, mespilus, rose, forzition.