How to clean copper

How to clean copper

Copper products have absolutely special power. They as though shine from within, look warm and live. From antiquity and until now people adore the wares made of copper, objects of use, the work of art (like pictures on sheet copper) and jewelry. But here the trouble, over time copper loses the deep live gloss, becomes dim and becomes covered by green spots. How will cope with this misfortune?

  • - personal protection equipment (rubber gloves, protective equipment of respiratory organs);
  • - rags, brushes;
  • - oxalic acid;
  • - alcohol;
  • - turpentine;
  • - water;
  • - ammonia solution;
  • - chalk;
  • - kerosene;
  • - vinegar;
  • - flour;
  • - salt.

1. To remove greenness and blackness from copper objects, it is possible to wipe them with solution of ammonia (ammonia solution), and then to rinse in large amount of flowing water.

2. Instead of ammonia solution it is possible to use the following structure: 1 gram of oxalic acid, 5 milliliters of alcohol, 1 milliliter of water and 4 milliliters of turpentine. Ingredients mix, well shake up and then by means of rag apply on the darkened copper product. In a few minutes mix together with pollution is removed with normal dry rag.

3. There is one more way of cleaning of products from the polished copper. For this purpose the surface of product is moistened in kerosene, and then by means of woolen rag rubbed with powder of normal chalk.

4. Acid – the best means for fight by the pollution spoiling type of copper products. Good way to cope with darkening of copper surface – to moisten it with lemon juice, and then to rub with brush.

5. In old times for purification of copper used mix from vinegar, torments and salts. Copper ware is cleaned by means of this mix ideally.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
