When to the grown-up child its children's bed becomes small, parents begin to think of choosing new upholstered furniture for their child. If the space of the house or apartment allows to equip separately the place for games and the children's bedroom, it is possible to put both sofa, and bed. But if the room is small, the choice is unambiguous - children's sofa.
Criteria for selection of children's sofa for the girl
First of all pay the attention to style. Today many parents choose elegant models in classic style or baroque to accustom the little princess since early childhood to luxury and beauty. These children's sofas upholstered with jacquard or brocade fabric for girls will begin to perform function of berth, and then will be luxury salon on which it is possible to accept girlfriends, to have a rest or have tea.
If the similar magnificent option is not in your plans, it is necessary to be guided by other criteria when choosing upholstered furniture for the daughter.
First, it is better to choose children's sofa bed. This folding device will serve long time and will be the comfortable place for the girl's dream up to her youth. Check quality of accessories, reliability of assembly and mattress. That at the child the bearing has not deteriorated, it is necessary that he was not too soft. It is desirable to select furniture options with orthopedic mattresses.
The next moment to which it is necessary to pay attention when choosing sofa for the girl is quality of upholstery. It is the best of all if it is made of natural fabric not to cause allergic reaction in the child. Besides, the upholstery should not be too rigid not to injure skin of the baby, for certain your daughter will try to slip from big sofa more than once. Thirdly, as upholstered furniture is bought for the child, check that it had removable covers that you could erase or clean them. It is connected with the fact that after the games on children's sofa for certain there will be paints, traces of plasticine, spot from drinks and food.
What has to be color gamma of children's sofa for the girl?
Not less important criterion when choosing sofa for the girl – its color gamma. It has to correspond to color scheme of the children's room, otherwise there will be dissonance. Traditionally as the most womanly shades are considered crimson, pink, light yellow. However it is desirable not to choose their too bright variations or with the motley drawing. All this will prevent good rest of the girl as bright colors and diversity excitingly affect children's mentality. Therefore stop the choice on soft pastel shades and also combination in pattern it is no more than 2-3 tones of similar part of range. Choosing sofa for the girl, do not forget to consult also to his future owner, she can have own opinion on this occasion, perhaps, differing from yours.