Before repair in the apartment it is necessary to count the area of necessary linoleum in advance, without hoping for consultants from shop. Otherwise when laying the shortage of material can be formed, and linoleum should be supplemented with scraps from the main roll or at all to change.
We select linoleum for the room
Linoleum with the volume drawing, however perfectly will be suitable for the big apartment if you want to save and facilitate its laying, it is better to give preference to covering with geometrical print. Width of standard rolls in shop has the N-meter size therefore if your room has non-standard size, you should take several strips, to hide gaps on floor plinths or furniture.
Purchase of linoleum with the small allowance calculated on curvature of walls will become the ideal decision, and it is possible to execute final cutting and at home.
Linoleum with the geometrical drawing considerably will facilitate to you task, having allowed it is easy to pick up two pieces on numerous joints in the apartment. If you have narrow corridor which metric area is no more than one and a half meters, it is necessary to get covering with the abstract drawing which width reaches three meters and to cut it in half. However in case with the drawing of the set direction (like "parquet board") you will not be able precisely and successfully to join strip.
How to consider the area of linoleum
To learn how many material will be required to you for flooring, take ten-meter tape measure, pencil, the calculator and the sheet of paper. Measure width and length of your room, considering depth of door openings in its longest part. Then add ten centimeters to the received results and write down measurements on paper. Now multiply results of length and width to calculate room space.
Remember that the data obtained after these calculations are not final – linoleum still should be joined.
That in covering there were as little as possible joints, you need to draw the plan of the room, considering the sizes received earlier when drawing. Note all communication pipes, ledges and storerooms in the plan. Look at the drawing and determine the linoleum width which will be enough for your apartment. Usually it is issued in sizes from one and a half to four meters with step in half-meter. Ideal width of linoleum – that at which it will go continuous cloth, without demanding connection of separate pieces. Having chosen suitable material and having precisely calculated its width along partitions and plinths, lay linoleum in the room and execute fair cutting along walls and also in corners and niches, having adjusted it to the necessary size. On it the placement operations of linoleum is finished.