Choosing chandelier, most often pay attention to of what material it is made what it the size and color as the chosen lighting instrument will fit into the general design of the room and cost. Not all know that there are some more important nuances which need to be considered.
1. Decide what type of chandelier is necessary for you. Chandeliers are classical and ceiling. Ceiling chandeliers are most often executed in the form of plates and flat plafonds. Classical is option of suspended chandeliers. When choosing any given option be guided by height of ceilings in your room. If your low-ceilinged room, then is better to take chandelier of ceiling option which will visually increase the room. Chandeliers of suspended type are suitable for rooms with high ceilings.
2. Excessively bright or on the contrary insufficient lighting can become the reason of irritability and fatigue therefore one of important characteristics to which it is necessary to pay attention is power. Independently to calculate chandelier power, increase necessary quantity of lamps by their power. Information on that how many it is necessary lamps and what power they have to be, specify at the seller. Average power for the room has to be 150 Watts on each 10 sq.m. of the area.
3. Learn what average area of illumination of chandelier. You will be able to find this information in characteristics to chandelier or to ask the seller. If the area of your room much more, than the area of lighting, so is required to establish you additional sources of lighting.
4. Pay attention to type of lamps which are suitable for chandelier. If the necessary lamps of rare form or with unusual socle, can arise problems with their replacement as find such lamps can be difficult.