How successfully to grow up melon seedling

How successfully to grow up melon seedling

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Summer residents with success master cultivation of the southerner melon in midland. The main thing is correct to pick up grades here and to calculate landing terms and if weather accompanies"", then melons will surely grow.

When to sow melon seeds on seedling?

For the Moscow region and adjacent to it to areas, it is possible to recommend to be engaged in crops of seeds of melon since April 15. Many are guided for April 20-25. Here significant factor is the age of seedling. It has to be not less than 15 days and no more than 30 days. Melon seedling ready to disembarkation has to have 5-7 leaves. For crops give preference to the melon seeds having very early terms of maturing.

What distinctive features of cultivation of seedling of melon?

Sow melon seeds on one or two sunflower seeds in separate pots that roots were not injured. Mix for crops has to be friable and feeder. The first days before emergence of sprouts temperature is necessary not lower than 20 wasps, it is desirable 23-25os. At proklevyvaniye from the soil of the first green sprouts temperature is reduced to 15-18os, otherwise sprouts will be extended, and seedling qualitative will not turn out. It is the main mistake at beginners. Good seedling can be grown up in the greenhouse, having seeded seeds in the first decade of May.

It is necessary to water small seedlings not often. The excess of moisture at roots provokes disease of black leg. Besides, moist soil soil contributes to the development of powerful root system and thickset seedling.

At cultivation it is possible to feed up seedling solution of biohumus or soluble fertilizers in small doses.

When to plant melon seedling in soil?

Melon seedling at cultivation in greenhouses is planted in 20 dates of May. If cultivation in film shelters is planned, then the schedule of disembarkation is moved up to the first of June.

On the eve of disembarkation seedling is watered. Grow up melons on the solar places protected from winds. At disembarkation to the soil it is impossible to bury root neck of seedling. The subcotyledonous knee at melon is very susceptible to fungal infections, root gnilyam.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
