There were in the past those sad times when the Soviet people lived in apartments with identical gray wall-paper, standard walls from chipboard and curbstones for the black-and-white TV on shaky legs. Now each owner of the small one-room apartment, cozy three or country cottage can realize set ingenious and courageous, and sometimes and the mad design ideas thanks to which their house will become unique.
Thanks to glossy interior magazines, councils of designers and the Internet with accurate photos any owner of the real estate can arrange to the taste and purse rooms in the apartment today, having called in assistants not only experts, but also own imagination. And this creative creative will do the dwelling not just esthetic by sight, but also memorable, blowing the mind of guests. 6 most effective, almost mad ideas for house situation are given by pieces of furniture and decor below.
The happy owner of the weakening bed aquarium will never have problems with dream. To observe rather a little the multi-colored small fishes swimming in the glazed headboard or foot of berth quietly to doze off. The calming muffled illumination complemented with design pictures of the underwater world will help even to the person having chronic insomnia to relax and to fall asleep strong.
If the room on height and the area allows, it is possible to hang up instead of usual sofas in the room hammocks in the form of rocking chairs or chair-beds. Such soft, cozy and unusual seats soaring in air will be pleasant to both children, and adult family members, including elderly relatives.
It is possible to nakidat in hammocks of round or oval cushions, to put warm plaids, laying rugs under legs that it was warmer. The choice of the sizes, coloring and forms of such suspended chairs, sofas and chairs blows the mind, the design depends only on financial opportunities and own preferences.
Those who likes to display everything on shelves will hardly like the boards which are simply beaten to walls, let and painted in interior color. It is better to choose for the house something unusual, even fantastic and blowing mind:
- suspended regiments on chains;
- wall shelves in the form of lodges, branches of tree, spiral or bee hundreds;
- the regiments which are built in aperture with sofa or seat in the middle.
The imagination when choosing shelves for books, disks, vases and pots with flowers or children's toys depends only on desires of the owner of the apartment and the chosen style of registration.
Perhaps, the idea to establish in kitchen suspended table and seats soaring in air will seem to someone mad, in practice such furniture is very convenient and functional. The chairs fixed on strong chains and table-top are rather steady, take a little place, leaving floor completely free for cleaning and washing. And to have breakfast, stirring legs, at the table ""flying"" in the middle of kitchen it is much more interesting and more pleasant. It is possible to feel the real wizards eating food as astronauts in zero gravity.
What can be more convenient for the idler, the fan of movies and books, than the huge sofa occupying by itself all room without the rest? Such ""house cinema hall"" complemented with big plasma on wall and soft pillows of various forms and coloring will even turn the normal small-sized one-room apartment into the wonderful apartment. The delight of friends will precisely provide large-scale sofa to owners.
On window it is possible to hang up easy curtains or dense portieres, having added lighting with unusual lamps. Depending on preferences and the picked-up home decoration it is easy to turn the sofa living room into the place of family holiday or the real movie theater at home.
One more mad idea in the apartment - transformation of the large and spacious bathroom into the real oasitic corner. It is enough to call the designer, to tell about the desires, and the professional for short interval of time will turn one of walls into ""nature corner"" by means of normal moss. And if to add interior with pebble, large stones or the dried decorative branches, the forest glade in the middle of the bathroom will turn out.
The live moss does not demand good lighting, loves moisture, long does not fade even in room conditions. It can be landed even on vertical surfaces, creating the whole pictures on joy to family members.
In the presence of finance it is possible to realize also others the unusual, seeming to much mad ideas of upclassing of interior:
- mounting of aquariums in walls, table-tops, television curbstones and partitions;
- replacement of simple glasses with color stained-glass windows, and usual floors - bulk compositions with various drawings;
- installation of windows of irregular shapes, including on roof of owner-occupied dwelling;
- arrangement in the hall instead of hangers of trunks of trees with the polished knots instead of hooks;
- replacement of all furniture by saw cuts of trees and the ground boards.
The main thing not to be afraid to experiment, combining incompatible things and colors then the house will become cozy, unusual, very beautiful and hospitable.