do you associate a word vitamins with? For certain with fruit, vegetables or vitamins from drugstore, tablets or a dragee. But our idea of vitamins is quite limited, they surround us literally this word. These vitamins have no aroma, taste, moreover - they are invisible. These vitamins contain in air – the oxygen molecules loaded with ions.
When the person feels dizzy, slight nausea – fresh air becomes first aid. What does fresh mean? It means not distorted by conditioners, biologically active, ionized, not pressurized by double-glazed windows of windows clean air.
Such is our world today that the majority of time should be spent within four walls and respectively to breathe a dead air which for a human body contains nothing useful opposite substances very hazardous to health are its part. Such air it is necessary to breathe not only at offices or city apartments, but even in country houses, the problem remains the same.
Scientists conducted researches, comparing an alcoholic situation in buildings and outside and came to a conclusion that toxicity of air in rooms to surpass toxicity of street air by 6-8 times. From here and the lowered immunity.
One person a day needs close 24 kg of air. These are about 22 thousand breaths. During each of them the person inhales 55 thousand motes. And in air of the enclosed space concentration of dust particles in 5 times more. That is it turns out that the respiratory system of the normal person passes every day about 2 tablespoons of dust. Besides, it is proved that it is indoors 5-8 times simpler to catch an infectious disease than on open space.
What pollutes air in the enclosed space?
First, synthetic materials break air exchange.
Secondly, furniture, clothes, footwear, carpet products – the most real collectors of dust.
Thirdly, negative impact proceeds from the air environment of toilet rooms.
Fourthly, the person – that still pollutant. Its organism allocates in air more than 400 chemical compounds (volatiles, all biochemical processes which are taking place in an organism, water couple, carbonic acid subsequently). Besides, in organisms of animals there take place biochemical processes too.
Fifthly, the most part of air pollution lies on misuse of gas devices, kitchen appliances, in particular during cooking (food podgoraniye, the spoiled products)
As for smokers, here and to speak there is nothing. Tobacco smoke is very for a long time soaked up in things, furniture, skin, hair and it is not so simple to get rid of it.
Also at room air surely there is a smell of materials of which it is constructed. Household chemicals need to be closed in the most thorough way after use. Often such substances easily evaporate and by that irrevocably cut the cheese.
The electronic equipment (TVs, computers, household appliances) all this does just poisonous cocktail of air.
What to do if there is no exit and you need all the same to spend much time in the building?
- 1. Air the room as often as possible.
- 2. Povybrasyvayte all stuff. The less things – the less dust.
- 3. Damp cleaning – at least 3 times a week.
- 4. It is necessary to take out garbage often, but not on filling of a bucket to avoid a peregnivaniye of the remains of products directly in your kitchen. Same concerns also products in the fridge. There is nothing to accumulate the deteriorated products or to keep in it that you already for certain are you will not be.
- 5. Avoid use of air fresheners.
You watch purity of air in your room, and in general try to walk and be more on the street. And then all diseases will avoid you.