In modern cosmetology a huge number of curative herbs is used. However it is possible to call a sage safely a royal plant, it has just magic abilities and is capable to revitalize considerably for short use face skin and also to put the injured hair in order.
Advantage of a sage
Sage (Latin Sālvia officinālis) — very useful plant which are comprised by huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary minerals, both for hair, and for face skin. This grass is one of the most popular in cosmetology and many centuries are applied by women.
Whether you know? Hippocrates considered Sālvia officinālis really magic grass, and drugs with it the most effective. To infertile women he prescribed infusion from a sage with addition of a pinch of salt. Most of them after such therapy really managed to become pregnant.
For hair
Useful essential oils, the smelling pitches, and other substances which strengthen hair structure are a part of Sālvia officinālis in large numbers, resist to a hair loss and stimulate hair bulbs.
For skin
The chemical composition of a sage favorable effect is also had on skin. Use of a plant allows:
- to get rid of various dermatological diseases;
- to purify leather from the horny cages;
- to get rid of toxins;
- to stimulate a metabolism;
- to protect from ultra-violet radiation;
- to slow down skin aging.
Recipes for beauty and health of hair
For strengthening and improvement of hair in general various masks, tinctures, broths from Sālvia officinālis are used. Such procedures will help not only to make hair silky and soft externally, but also well-groomed, healthy at the cellular level.
The strengthening broth
The simplest recipe for strengthening of hair is broth from a sage. For this purpose will be necessary: sage leaves (1 tablespoon for short hair and 2-3 for long) and hot water at the rate of 150 ml on 1 spoon of a grass.
To make broth it is necessary:
- To fill in leaves with boiled water.
- To infuse broth for half an hour.
- To filter and rinse the head few times in a week. Broth does not need to be washed away.
Whether you know? In the 16th century in China the sage was highly appreciated so that for a box of this grass they gave to British twice more best tea.
Tincture for growth improvement
Will be necessary for preparation of tincture which stimulates growth of hair:
- vodka — a liter floor;
- vinegar (apple) — a liter floor;
- Sālvia officinālis leaves (dry) and leaves of rosemary (dry) — on 6-7 tablespoons;
- the nettle leaves (which are dried up and crushed) — 13-15 tablespoons.
- To separately mix dry ingredients and liquid.
- To lay out dry components in a glass container and to fill in with vodka with vinegar.
- To cover the received product and to send to the fridge at least for 2 weeks (to daily mix components).
- In 2 weeks to filter and store in the cool place. Every two weeks to rub the received infusion in roots of hair and to leave for a couple of hours, and it is one night better, previously having wrapped up the head with a towel. To wash away by means of shampoo in the morning.
Conditioner for a fair and dark hair
The dry grass of a sage and camomile (in equal quantities — 2 tablespoons) and 2 glasses of hot water will be necessary for preparation of conditioner for a fair hair:
- To fill in herbs with boiled water and to leave for half an hour.
- To filter and use as conditioner after washing.
For rinsing of hair it is possible to use infusions of a sage, a marjoram, thyme, a lyubistka, a tea mushroom, solution of apple cider vinegar.
Will be useful for production of conditioner which will enhance natural dark hair color: hot water (2 glasses) and 2 tablespoons of a dry grass of a sage. It prepares and used as well as conditioner for a fair hair.
Important! It is important to remember that broths from a sage have property to wash away paint from a dyed hair.
Coloring of hair
The sage possesses not only improving properties and also is used as natural hair-dye which is not only harmless, and and useful. For this purpose it is necessary to fill in 4 tablespoons of a dry sage with abrupt boiled water and to leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
Infusion should be filtered and rinsed clean hair. The more often such "paint" will be applied, the shade of hair is more dark it will turn out.
Important! Such coloring can be used even for painting of a gray hair.
Mask for dry hair
It is necessary for preparation of a magic mask which will moisten dry hair:
- essential oil of a lavender — 1-2 drops;
- Sālvia officinālis essential oil — 3-4 heat;
- oil of castor oil and burdock oil — in equal quantities: on the 4th teaspoons.
- On a water bath it is necessary to heat castor and burdock oil to temperature slightly over the body temperature.
- To add to warm mix of oil of a lavender and sage.
- To humidify with massage movements roots of hair and to wrap up in a film for half an hour. To wash away by means of shampoo.
It is worth using such mask few times in a week for 3-4 months.
Learn how to protect hair from the sun how to struggle with a hair loss and whether massage of places of a hair loss how to treat the injured hair and what products is effective it is necessary to use for appearance a hair.
The moistening and nutritious mask
For moistening and nutrition of hair it is necessary to make a mask with such components:
- burdock and almond oil in identical quantities — on the 4th teaspoons;
- Sālvia officinālis essential oil and camomiles in identical quantities — on 3 drops.
- To heat burdock and almond oil on a water bath to temperature slightly over the body temperature.
- To add to warm mix of oil of a sage and a camomile.
- To humidify roots and it is easy to rub oil liquid and to wrap up in a film for half an hour. To wash away.
To use a mask 1-2 times in 10 days for 4 months.
Will help to rejuvenate skin and to smooth wrinkles gymnastics and yoga for the person. For improvement of a condition of skin also use cubes of ice and drinks from fruit and vegetables.
Mask from dandruff and loss
Against dandruff will be necessary for preparation of a mask:
- 4 tablespoons of grape seeds;
- 3 drops of essential oil of a sage;
- half of a tablespoon of liquid honey.
- To mix all ingredients to a uniform state.
- To rub in roots of hair for 40 minutes.
- To wash away by means of shampoo.
To apply once a week until dandruff is gone.
Recipes for face skin
Today on counters of shops there is a huge amount of various cosmetics, however most of them are quite expensive. And by means of plain ingredients it is possible to make not less useful masks and infusions in house conditions.
The sage familiar to all can become the main component of these means.
In cosmetology often also use oil such plants as rosemary, a sea-buckthorn, unab, hemp, a sandalwood, a linden and also a peach, jojoba, walnut, orange and a lemon.
For washing
Washing by broth of a sage will help to get rid of dryness of skin. Will be necessary for it:
- 7 tablespoons of Sālvia officinālis (dry);
- 500 ml of hot water.
- To fill in a sage with hot water and to boil broth for half an hour on slow fire.
- The received broth needs to be filtered.
- To wipe skin in the morning and before going to bed by means of the sponge moistened in solution or a cotton pad.
From pimples and eels
From pimples and at an acne disease it is necessary to use from a sage, a camomile and a celandine (to mix 2 tablespoons of herbs in equal quantities) and to fill in with a half of liter of water, to allow to infuse for 20-30 minutes, to filter. To put to problem zones for 5-10 minutes. Skin problems considerably will come to naught.
For preparation of cosmetic masks use parsley, spinach, blackberry, oils (a dogrose, cocoa, castor, peach), essential oils (sandalwood, orange), cinnamon, yogurt, vitamin E.
From hypostases under eyes
From hypostases under eyes contrast procedures which consist in serial applying of warm solution with cold throughout 5-6 times will help.
For preparation of solution it is necessary to fill in 2 tablespoons of a sage with a glass of boiled water, to divide into equal parts. To leave 1 part of solution in the cold place before cooling, to cool another to body temperature. To put warm cotton pads with solution on eyelids for a minute, then to replace cold.
Ice cubes for rejuvenation
It is very simple to prepare ice cubes for rejuvenation or for preservation of youth:
- To make broth of Sālvia officinālis (4 tablespoons on a water liter floor, to draw half an hour).
- To fill in the cooled-down broth in an icetray and to freeze.
- To wipe face skin in the morning and in the evening before full thawing of pieces of ice.
Steam skin clarification bath
For cleaning and the toning influence it is possible to do steam baths:
- In equal proportions (on 1 tablespoon) the sage, color of a linden and a camomile, leaves of a birch and bark of an oak mix up.
- To fill in the received mix of dry herbs and leaves with 1.5 liters of warm water and to bring broth to boiling.
- While broth cooks on weak fire, it is necessary to hold the person over steam (not too low).
- After a rasparivaniye it is necessary to wipe face skin with tonic and to put a nutritious mask.
The rejuvenating mask
For the rejuvenating face pack it is required: 3-4 tablespoons of a sage, glass of hot water, powdered milk.
- From a sage and water to prepare broth.
- To add powdered milk to ready broth and to mix to a condition of sour cream.
- To apply to face skin for 15 minutes, to wash away warm water.
The bleaching mask
It is necessary for bleaching of face skin:
- To mix nonsaturated broth from Sālvia officinālis (a glass of boiled water on a grass tablespoon) and 2 tablespoons of starch (potato).
- To apply to face skin and to hold 15 minutes.
- To wash away warm water.
Having studied all useful properties of this plant it becomes obvious that this grass — a find for women, with its help it is possible to make the most useful face packs and a hair. And the effect of them will be such stunning that people around will think that you visited expensive SPA salon or cut the rejuvenating potion.
Responses from the Internet
The sage perfectly will be suitable for hair care at all seasons of the year. It is possible to rinse hair with grass broth, and it is even better to do medical procedures with essential oil of a sage.
Some women do wrappings of hair with this remedy. Often it is not necessary to apply, there are enough two times a week for achievement of desirable effect. The sage well strengthens hair. Oil can be added to shampoos, conditioners for hair. some producers produce shampoos already with ready extract of a sage.
But do not forget if you have fair hair, then this grass can give a darkish shade at frequent use. But hair bulbs become stronger and growth of hair goes more intensively. And hair, especially when using oil of a sage do not split.
There is a good recipe for strengthening of hair.
Basis take burdock oil, add four drops of essential oil of a sage and lavender. apply on roots of hair, close a film for thirty minutes, then to wash away shampoo. Do such procedure by a course two times a week, the number of the recommended procedures on a course not less than ten. Though long, but it is reliable that your hair will become stronger. I after two months noticed that hair became a thick, quicker grow and am more alive.
I have good hair, but thin by nature therefore volume is not enough. the 3rd month I do the following: 1) I rub in skin, roots and on all length Amla's oil, on a water bath, then polyethylene and a cap on the head. On 3-8 h, 2-3 rubles in week) I do the same 2 sometimes with coconut oil (nerafinir.), on 3-4 Parts 3) shampoo: recipes of the grandmother Agafya or Repeyny or any other similar. I add several drops of oils to shampoo - Amla, castor, olive, or radio various. The main thing is know what can be combined, and it is no more than 2-3 types for time. 4) I rinse after washing with broth of a nettle or mint or a linden. I love a hop cone combination + a thyme + a camomile. 5) the first month steadily 1-2 times and week did a mask mustard, rubbed in roots for 40-60 minutes. On tips warm olive oil is obligatory. When laying by the hair dryer I use good thermoprotection (it is put minutes for 7-10 to the hair dryer). As a result in 2 months the hair became a thick, heavier, more magnificent. Stronger. Right at the beginning cut off 7 cm of the splitting ends, since then did not split. Gloss was already, and became as in advertizing. Only it is better:) Amla's oil ""works"" in general for everything, especially - elasticity, gloss, the termination of loss and growth of new hair (in 2 months on 8 cm somewhere). This oil of a wild Indian gooseberry, is also manufactured in India. Coconut oil - softness, food, recovery of structure of a hair. All listed herbs strengthen, stimulate growth and do a hair voluminous. Mint, a sage - slightly shade hair in dark color, but to my dark fair-haired nutbrown hair went only to plus. The mustard mask - about it is a lot of on the Internet, it against loss and for stimulation of growth new. Works. I do not know that from this it was most effective. I think, the good effect can achieve only in a complex. If you have problems with a GIT, a stress, hormones, etc., all these means will conceive small effect. Only will smooth, but will not solve a problem. It is important to eat properly. I hope, helped someone :)