Whether pregnant women can have tea of hibiscus tea?

Whether pregnant women can have tea of hibiscus tea?

Food and Drinks Hits: 180

Tea of hibiscus tea has a rich set of the nutrients bringing notable benefit to a human body, but nevertheless in some cases demands care in the use. About consumption of such drink at pregnancy the speech will also go further.

Structure of drink

The power value of 100 g of the considered drink in a dry form is absolutely small, being less than 5 kcal. At the zero fat content and extremely small content of proteins and carbohydrates it has such vitamins:

Hibiscus tea is also presented by such mineral substances:

Besides, the product is saturated with irreplaceable amino acids in a look:

Whether you know? Flowers of the Sudanese rose called also a hibiscus except preparation of the well-known tea, actively use also for production of cookings, jelly and cakes, and its young escapes are applied even as ingredients to salads and other dishes.

Conditionally irreplaceable organic acids in drink are presented:

Drink from a Sudanese rose is also rich:

Whether it is possible for pregnant women

Most contrastly merits of tea of hibiscus tea and his negative impact on an organism are shown during pregnancy.


The advantage of this drink for pregnant women is rather notable. It is shown in:

Learn what tea it is possible at pregnancy.


Most of experts claims that in the absence of any pathologies at pregnant women they can quite have tea from a Sudanese rose with advantage for themselves and future child. However some physicians consider that this drink as the emmenagog (causing periods) is capable to show abortive properties, making teratogenny impact on a fruit, that is breaking its embryonal development. Possible strange reaction of some pregnant women to this drink when they have a nausea only at one view of tea of hibiscus tea allegedly is explained by it. But at all argumentativeness of such hypothesis to the use of this drink by future mothers there are certain contraindications. Tea of hibiscus tea cannot be applied at:

Important! In the first trimester of pregnancy it is better for future mothers to abstain from consumption of drink from a Sudanese rose.

How to make drink (recipes)

There are several ways of preparation of this product in a hot and cold look.


Way No. 1:

  1. To fill up a teaspoon of dried petals in a standard cup.
  2. To fill in boiled water in a cup.
  3. To cover a cup with a saucer and to allow to infuse to drink within 5–10 minutes.
  4. It is possible to add honey or sugar to tea.

Way No. 2:

  1. To fill a cup with a teaspoon of dried petals of a Sudanese rose with boiled hot water, but not boiled water.
  2. To add preferable amount of sugar.
  3. To draw tea within 4 hours.


  1. Or cool boiled to fill in with liter of still mineral water 4 tablespoons of dried petals.
  2. To cover a vessel and to leave to infuse for the night.

Important! Tea from a Sudanese rose, unlike the majority of other types, takes away from dry raw materials all useful substances and saturated ruby color after the first tea leaves, practically without leaving anything for the second.

This remarkable drink occupies, along with coffee and traditional tea, the lawful niche among the most popular and daily used. At the correct consumption, tea of hibiscus tea is capable not only to give pleasure to pregnant women, but also to bring real benefit to their health and health of future child.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
