We cook airy pies on kefir

We cook airy pies on kefir

In the fridge a lot of sour milk accumulated is the best occasion to make dough for pies. Some hostesses consider a molding of pies from the kefiric test labor-consuming. However if to know some cunnings, then and process of preparation will be in joy, and pies will turn out excellent.

It is required to you

  • 5 l of kefir, 1 tsp of salt, 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1 h l of soda, 2 eggs, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 4-5 glasses of flour


1. First of all in a bowl it is necessary to pour out kefir. It is desirable that it was warm or room temperature. Further there we send salt, sugar, soda, eggs, vegetable oil. We stir up a fork all contents a little. Authors of some recipes recommend to shake up all weight the mixer, but experienced culinary specialists know that kefir "doesn't suffer"" such aggressive intervention. More correct, opposite, after addition of soda to leave for some time (10-15 minutes) kefiric weight at rest.

2. Flour we pour not all at once, for a start there will be about 4 glasses enough. Accurately we stir dough and we leave its baking plate a cover at least for half an hour. Better even longer. Of course, kefiric dough of subjects and is good that from it it is possible to mold pies at once. But practice shows that magnificent pies from kefir dough turn out only in two cases. First, when dough is thinnish (but then it is difficult to work with it). Secondly, when we add flour more, but we allow the test to infuse for an hour or two.

3. After dough approached, we pour out other flour and we knead on a table. Now dough of such consistence that it doesn't stick to hands and at the same time soft and gentle. It is necessary to leave it on the table powdered with flour under a cup, having separated a small part for a razdelyvaniye. We scale dough on a part and on the table oiled by vegetable, we do by flat cake hands. A rolling pin it is made superfluous here.

4. Mashed potatoes, fried mushrooms, stewed cabbage, apples can act as a stuffing. Pies from kefir dough can both be fried in vegetable oil, and to bake in an oven. They well rise and differ in nothing from the barmy fellows. If to think of a stuffing in advance, then other preparation together with frying will take no more than an hour.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
