The lemon is very widely used in cookery. Though it very sour, it makes good impact on a stomach - reduces its acidity. Still the lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, this vitamin perfectly strengthens immunity. And the American scientists in general claim that only one aroma of a lemon is capable to increase mood.
Advantage of a lemon
Consumption of lemons stimulates appetite. It strengthens vascular walls thanks to the content of pectin, essential oils, bioflavonoids, a terperina. Except vitamin C, the lemon contains a lot of vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other useful minerals.
Lemon in cookery
In cookery the lemons use often. All use - a dried peel, juice, pulp. The fresh aroma of a lemon does it by excellent addition to fish and meat dishes. With it turn out very tasty chicken. The lemon dried peel is added to pastries, decorate with a slice of a lemon various cocktails.
Who can't eat lemons
The advantage of this fruit is obvious, but after all there are also contraindications to application of lemons. First of all it concerns those at whom problems with digestive tract are observed. If you have a strong inflammation of a throat, the lemon can provoke its aggravation in rare instances.
How to choose and store lemons
When choosing lemons consider several factors. If you are going to eat lemons quickly, then choose ripe fruits. If you aren't going to eat a lemon in the next few days, then take an immature fruit which very long can be stored on the lower shelf in the fridge.
When choosing a lemon it is better to choose fruits with a smooth thin skin. It thinner, therefore, pulp in a lemon will be more.