Fruit, being a well of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients, certainly, are useful to pregnant women. However not all and it is not always identical. Let's learn about on what terms of pregnancy any given fruit and at what problems they are capable to help future mothers are useful.
What fruit are useful at pregnancy
Different terms of pregnancy assume a certain differentiation in what can be eaten and that pregnant women need to eat.
Whether you know? Apples, being some of the most widespread fruit, are so various on grades that if daily to eat on one apple of a new grade, then twenty years will be required to try all grades.
In the first trimester
In 1 trimester the pregnant woman has to use a maximum of fruit in a various look, beginning from fresh and finishing baked. The special benefit will be brought during this period by the fruit salads filled with sour cream or yogurt.
Experts consider that at this time it is better for future mothers to eat the fruits presented:
- the peaches, capable to cope with toxicosis and heartburn and also positively influencing activity of digestive system;
- apricots which are saturated with effective antioxidant in the form of beta carotene and also potassium and iron, extremely important for health of the pregnant woman and her fruit;
- apples which are rich source of many vitamins, natural pectin and minerals, especially gland.
Learn what vitamins are necessary for pregnant women.
In the second trimester
In the 2nd trimester the toxicosis gives in, and at pregnant women the appetite wakes up. They constantly want to eat as the child begins to grow in a womb quickly. At this time they willy-nilly should eat more proteinaceous food. However it does not mean at all what about low-calorie fruit needs to be forgotten. During this period future mothers are recommended to pay more attention:
- to the plums which are promoting release of an organism from poisons and harmful salts and also effectively liquidating locks though at the same time it is not necessary to abuse them in order to avoid diarrhea and the blown-up intestines;
- to the pears strengthening immune and nervous systems, helping to level at the same time nervousness, fast fatigue and loss of appetite;
- to the grenades which are stirring up activity of digestive tract, destroying pathogenic microorganisms and optimizing activity of a cardiovascular system.
Important! It is impossible to use immature bananas.
In the third trimester
In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy because the grown-up fruit begins to press on a stomach and other bodies, future mother has problems with meal when even its insignificant quantity is capable to make attacks of heartburn and sick. Nevertheless, she should not refuse during this period from:
- apples which in this situation most well influence the pregnant woman's organism in the baked form;
- the apricots capable both in fresh, and in a dried look to provide the woman's organism with iron, potassium and organic acids;
- the persimmon and fig helping to liquidate hypostases and possible inflammations and also to saturate an organism of future mother with many vitamins and iodine.
What fruit cannot be eaten
These products are so useful that under any categorical ban concerning their reception by pregnant women they do not get. Here everything depends on a condition of an organism of future mother, her preferences and tendency to possible allergic reactions. In this plan there are fruit which during this period it is necessary to treat with care.
It concerns:
- the pineapples containing a lot of calcium which in the first trimester in large numbers is contraindicated to pregnant women;
- papaya which gets to our regions mainly in an immature look and by that can provoke the raised uterus tone capable to lead to termination of pregnancy;
- the citrus having high allergenic properties.
Important! The fruits brought from abroad can be oversaturated by pesticides that can harmful affect health of the pregnant woman and her future child.
Except the all-strengthening properties, fruit are capable to solve also the specific problems arising in an organism of women during pregnancy.
Which raise hemoglobin
To increase the insufficient level of hemoglobin in the pregnant woman's blood, it is recommended to use the fruit presented:
- dried apricots;
- apples of green grades;
- pears;
- plums;
- peaches;
- grenades;
- bananas;
- persimmon.
Whether you know? In Armenia, pomegranate is a country symbol. Armenians have a tradition according to which the bride has to throw pomegranate about a wall into the wedding day and if it breaks and rassyptsya on kernels, then it means that couple will have many children.
Which raise and reduce pressure
Maintenance of blood pressure normal at future mothers is one of the most important prerequisites of maintaining health of the woman and her future child. And with the lowered pressure, and at raised fruit can come to the rescue. At hypotonia:
- pears;
- grenades;
- bananas;
- dates;
- dried apricots;
- grapefruits;
- lemons.
At a hypertension:
- kiwi;
- apricots;
- plums;
- oranges.
Read also about whether it is possible for pregnant women cedar and walnuts.
At the correct consumption of fruit during pregnancy on its different terms future mothers derive not only pleasure from tastes, but also significantly strengthen the health and the future child.