Than it is useful and how to cook pea porridge

Than it is useful and how to cook pea porridge

Food and Drinks Hits: 214

The dish not necessarily has to be refined to sate and have good taste. A set of dishes of home cuisine are made of plain natural ingredients which strike to heat treatment and at once eat.

Both vegetable, and animal ingredients can be useful and nutritious. The main thing is to be able to do correctly them to choose and to prepare. Some recipes are thought up quite recently, others came to us, without exaggeration, from ancient times.

In this article the speech about an old national dish — pea porridge, its chemical composition, techniques of preparation and advantage for different people will go.

Structure of pea porridge

The mankind estimated advantage of this dish long before our era. Mentions of pea culture meet at ancient Egyptians. To this day archeologists find the dried copies of peas in ancient burials together with wheat and barley which remained in an untouched look.

Peas were the main culture which was a source of vegetable protein at all times. It was associated with fertility, prosperity. In Ancient China and India the culture of consumption of this grassy bean existed both in prosperous, and in poor families.

Its vitamin and mineral structure and also nutrition value exceed many other bean and cereal cultures.

Important! The set of bean products belongs to genetically modified today. Before feeding with the child's goroshnitsa, check whether there is a marking Without GMO on a pack.


The highest content in peas of vitamins A and E — carotene and tocopherol. These are oil-soluble vitamins which are responsible for youth and normal functioning of cells of a human body. H and RR vitamins (biotin and nicotinic acid) are in this culture in normal quantity.

They normalize a metabolism, influence endocrine glands. B12 is a lot of in peas of vitamins of group B, especially. It is the whole complex of kobaltsoderzhashchy substances which are responsible for the haematogenic function and supply of cages with oxygen.

Mineral substances

The mineral structure of this bean is especially rich. Potassium, sulfur and phosphorus contain in it much. They are responsible for nervous activity, reproductive function, a cardiovascular system. It is slightly less in this culture of sodium and magnesium. From minerals It should be noted calcium, manganese and iodine. Standard daily rate of such elements as copper, selenium and fluorine, it is possible to cover, daily eating 300 g of boiled peas.

Caloric content and nutrition value of a dish

These indicators depend on additives which you will include in a compounding. Average caloric content of clean porridge, still known as a goroshnitsa — 110-115 kcal on one hundred grams.

At such low caloric content it contains the mass of protein and a minimum of fats therefore can join in a dietary diet and food of people which transfer considerable physical activities. Complex carbohydrates and starch provide with necessary energy, and vegetable protein helps to build up muscle bulk that who regularly visits the gym.

Whether you know? For the first time on a substantial scale began to grow up green peas in Europe of the end of the 17th century. Then cultivation of this plant developed into the true madness. All English and French aristocracy considered a debt to part different grades of peas in the estates. Then these beans consumed right after collecting, and learned to freeze a little later and added to hot dishes during the whole year.

Than pea porridge is useful

are among: spinach, kohlrabi cabbage, milts of salmons, fennel, mango, sea-buckthorn, salmon, oat milk, squids, shrimps, grapefruit, celery.

Watermelon, quince, lyubistok, bearberry, meadowsweet, milk oolong tea, St. John's wort, tansy, corn snouts, cowberry leaves, dried apricots, daikon, cloudberries, horse-radish, marjoram, Kuril tea, anisetree and chicory also have diuretic properties.

Important! Dishes with inclusion of this bean culture provoke intensive gas generation in intestines. The soda added when cooking to a pan or the fresh greens of parsley served to a dish will help to reduce this effect.

Pea porridge: whether it is possible

Future and young mothers are interested in most of all advantage of peas. They want to know for certain as such food will affect health of their kids.

At pregnancy

During incubation of the kid of goroshniyets becomes fine addition of a diet of the pregnant woman. She provides its organism with digestible protein, so necessary during formation of systems of bodies at a fruit.

Porridge preserves a maternal organism against exhaustion, provides it with amino acids. The most important of them, folic, still known as B9 vitamin, is responsible for formation of nervous system of the baby and development of its nervous tube. High content of iodine saves those who faced deficiency of this element. It saves mother's organism from problems with immunity, and the kid — from congenital pathologies. Potassium and iron well influence a cardiovascular system and mothers, and remains, stimulate development of blood cells.

Cellulose cleans intestines, saves at locks. Vitamin complexes improve a condition of skin and hair, being responsible for beauty and appeal of future mother. For pregnant women this dish irreplaceable.

Whether you know? Fundamental laws of inheritance and all genetics as science began with studying young escapes of peas by the famous Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel. It began the researches in the middle of the 19th century, and in 1866 there were several works which opened to scientific organization revolutionary developments.

When feeding by a breast

This very useful dish for mothers who feed with own milk. The rich vitamin and mineral structure, low caloric content and high nutritiousness provide an organism which constantly demands power expenses, necessary substances.

Some mothers worry about possible gripes and the increased gas generation at the baby. These disorders are groundless as swelling and gripes causes vegetable protein, and it is digested a maternal organism. To the baby it does not get, and breaks up to amino acids and other necessary substances and passes into milk in the processed look.

We recommend to you to esteem about what advantage porridge has.

If mother got used to eat this bean culture, it can continue to consume it during feeding. The individual intolerance of culture the kid can be the only contraindication.

To avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to eat a small portion of a goroshnitsa and to track reaction of the baby. If next day there were no allergic rashes, can safely increase a portion. If the baby had a rash or temperature rose, postpone consumption of peas for a month.

To children

Children's intestines — very gentle system which gets used to new food gradually. As this culture active and for its digestion special enzymes are required, you enter it into a children's diet gradually. Since one and a half years, give to the kid on couple of spoons of this porridge a day.

You monitor reaction of a children's organism, if necessary exclude it from a diet for a month or two, then enter again. Increase a portion gradually as the organism selects enzymes, necessary for digestion, not at once.

This very useful dish, just children's intestines it is necessary to accustom to it. Give it exclusively at dinner and if the kid does not digest peas in the form of porridge, include it in vegetable soup.

Important! Peas of green grades long should not be presoaked — too long stay in water will lead to loss of sweet pea taste. Stand him not longer than two hours, and later you cook 30-40 minutes.

Pea porridge and diet

Glory of a dietary product of goroshniyets deserved the low caloric content and nutritiousness. Eat 300 g of this dish during the lunchtime — and you will be full till the evening. Weight loss on this bean culture is very popular. It is necessary to calculate only correctly the diet not to do much harm to an organism.

Such food is recommended to those who suffers from excess weight and wants to get rid of it without medical observation. The thing is that this culture does not allow organism exhaustion and therefore it is safe even for a monodiet. It lasts from three to seven days. Depending on desirable result you regulate duration of dietary food. Three days remove two kilograms, five days — to four, and week of healthy nutrition will save you from five-six extra kilos of weight.

The essence of a diet consists in replacement of one high-calorie dish with a goroshnitsa. If you got used to have dinner something meat or fat, refuse it in favor of fast porridge. There are additional restrictions for fast food, salty, spicy, greasy food and alcohol.

Choose time period in which you will keep to a diet, and replace habitual sweets with fruit and dried fruits, and coffee — on drinking water. Goroshnitsa nourishing, is balanced on all vitamin and mineral indicators.

You perfectly will feel and get prettier in the eyes. If necessary you can repeat a course of dietary food in a month after end.

Whether you know? Peas — one of the few cultures which visited space. Thanks to the unpretentiousness he quickly took root on the International Space Station and was exposed to many experiments. So, in 2006 the scientists managed to receive young escapes of peas in the conditions of full zero gravity.

How tasty to make pea porridge: recipes with a photo

Such simple occupation as cooking of peas, demands certain abilities. Someone recommends to presoak this culture before preparation, someone got used to load ingredients into the multicooker and to receive a ready-made product. Get acquainted with the following two compoundings.

In a pan

The easiest and habitual way of cooking. Necessary ingredients:

Step-by-step recipe:

In the multicooker

This way differs from previous in smaller expenses of time and efforts. The majority of work for you will be made by the multicooker.

Necessary ingredients:

Step-by-step recipe:

It is important! If water when cooking peas evaporated, add pan contents only warm water. Cold water from under the crane will worsen tastes of a final dish and will double cooking time.

Whether it is obligatory to presoak peas before preparation

To reduce time of cooking of these beans, they are filled in with water before preparation. For split and split yellow peas there are enough two-three hours, green it is presoaked one or one and a half hours, whole peas are usually matured by from five to seven hours.

One more reason for which it is necessary to presoak these bean is in their chemical composition. Oligosaccharides which contain in them are badly acquired by a human body, feed bacteria of a large intestine and at heat treatment almost do not collapse.

But when soaking they pass into water, and gas generation in intestines during digestion decreases. In the first recipe the soaking of beans reduced time of their cooking by two hours four times. However, the general preparation time increased a little in comparison with the second recipe according to which beans were cooked without preliminary preparation.

As for comprehensibility of a dish, at the peas cooked with preliminary soaking it is much higher thanks to decrease in concentration of oligosaccharides.

Whether all will suit pea porridge?

This dish is strictly contraindicated to the people having digestive tract diseases. Any violation of digestion will be aggravated with this high-protein product containing the mass of cellulose.

Whether you know? Bioplasticity, the future of the plastic industry, is produced with use of renewable biological resources. They do not harm the environment, lungs in processing and do not demand big power expenses in production. Key ingredient in a compounding of biodegradable plastic — pea starch.

With care the goroshniyets of subjects should use who has diseases of an urinary system, kidneys. Unlimited consumption of this product leads to disorders of digestion even at healthy people.

About useful porridges

Not only bean, but also cereal porridges have useful properties. They provide a human body with minerals, vitamins, give energy.

Study useful properties of green buckwheat, millet,

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
