The useful substances which are contained in a chokeberry can be listed long. Almost all of them remain in fault, prepared from it. It is simple to do drink. Besides the main ingredient, only sugar and raisin is required.
Chokeberry or aroniya – an unpretentious plant which is grown up by many gardeners. Knowing how to make wine from a chernoplodka, it is possible to make surprising drink – fragrant, natural, in moderate quantities useful.
Recipe No. 1
For preparation of wine from an aroniya take:
- 1 kg of a chokeberry; - 1 kg of sugar;
- 1.5 liters of water; - 80 g of raisin. After the crop of this berry is reaped, it doesn't need to be washed. Superficial bacteria promote the best fermentation. The shower for raisin is for the same reason excluded.
Touch berries and raisin from garbage and put in a 3-liter can. There pour 400 grams of sugar and pour in water. Cover to bank with a plastic cover in the middle of which the cut that there was an air is made. Put a container to the warm place and every day very carefully shake up contents. It will help drink not to grow mouldy. The cover at the same time doesn't need to be opened. In 7 days pour 250 grams of sugar. In a week – as much. Contents have to wander within a month. After that add 100 grams of granulated sugar and filter drink through a gauze. Pour chokeberry wine on bottles, close them covers and remove to the basement or the fridge. Here it will be defended within ten days. Then it is possible to make the first tasting of great home-made drink.
Recipe No. 2
The second way demands handwork, in a literal sense. Take 6 kilograms of berries and you press them hands. If it is tiresome, then connect the kitchen equipment to process. Let the blender will a little crush aroniya fruits. Pour out berries in 10-liter capacity. It is fine if there is a large bottle from dark glass. There add 3 kilograms of sugar. If there is a wish to receive drink more with pleasure, then it is possible to add a little more than this ingredient. Add a handful of raisin and mix or shake up container contents. Further, wine goes to ferment to the warm place. Contents are daily shaken up not to give the chance to be formed on a surface splash. After this time of berry have to emerge on a surface. Means, it is possible to start the next stage. Filter juice in a 5-liter can, squeeze out juice of alburnum and pour in it there. Don't throw out alburnum yet. From above on bank establish a hydrolock or put on a rubber glove with a puncture. Remove a container for 7 days to the dark place. Fill up alburnum with 1 kilogram of sugar and add in it 1 liter of water. Mix weight hands and too remove to wander for a week in heat. After that contents are filtered. Alburnum is thrown out, juice is added to the general capacity with a hydrolock. In such look drink will stand 2 weeks. Then it is filtered on bottles, corked with covers and removed in a cellar. Wine will be ready in 2-4 months. The longer costs, the it will be more tasty.