Sometimes there is a wish to indulge himself with the tasty, juicy, cooked smoked brisket which isn't rolled by water and made without liquid, chemical smoke. It is difficult to find the real, quality product in sale. Fortunately, to prepare this dish rather easily and quickly.
It is required to you
- Belly with fat layers
- the coarse salt which isn't iodated, water
- sawdust
- smoking shed.
1. Cut brisket on small pieces 15-20 cm long and 5-6 cm wide. Rub each piece of meat with mix of garlic, a black sprinkling pepper and salt. Put pieces of brisket densely in capacity, cover with a gauze, from above put a press and leave for day in a cold spot. Then wrap up each piece in a foil.
2. Carefully wash up the smoking shed, dry on a shive, close a bottom and walls a foil. On a bottom fill a handful of the alder sawdust which is previously wetted in water. On the lower lattice put a foil with the edges which are turned in up that there the flowing fat dripped and I didn't burn together with sawdust (it is possible to use a small baking tray). Lay on the top lattices pieces of brisket in a foil and densely cover a smoking shed cover. Smoke about 30 min. on small, uniform fire.
3. Pour a baking plate a smoking shed cover (in a foil or on a baking tray) a thin stream a small amount of water and steam so brisket within 10 min. Pull out any piece, exempt it from a foil, cut and try if meat rigid, then add still water and prepare even minutes 10 - 15. If brisket is easily cut and chewed, then pull out it from an oil lamp and to lay out to cool down and be aired. You store cooked smoked brisket in a foil in a cold spot. A part of a product can be frozen.