How to remove a pork smell

How to remove a pork smell

To many of us for certain there was such situation: you buy pork, you bring home, and it fairly smells slightly. It would seem, the problem isn't solved and meat needs to be given only to dogs. But isn't present - there is a couple of cunnings which will help to beat off this smell.


1. Plentifully miss the mark meat with baking soda, sustain within 10 minutes and put out a table vinegar. Wash meat with flowing water, put in a pan and boil thoroughly several times, regularly changing water.

2. Grease meat with mustard, wrap up with a napkin and put in the fridge for the night. Pull out it in the morning, wash with flowing water and dry up.

3. Soak meat in pure cold water, changing time water two or three in day until water doesn't become completely pure.

4. Sprinkle meat fresh juice of a lemon or lime. In citruses there are a lot of essential oils.

5. At preparation of meat strew it with fragrant spices of type of a basil, coriander, grated nutmeg, onions, garlic, etc. They muffle unpleasant odors.

6. Keep waiting meat. There is a huge set of recipes of marinades for meat. Here the simplest of them: mix water liter, a vinegar tablespoon, a salt spoon, pepper and bay leaf. After meat is kept waiting, put it on a plate, boil and cool.

7. Take meat in milk or kefir several hours. Not only the unpleasant odor will disappear, but also meat will become more gentle.

8. Freeze meat. Put meat in the freezer, freeze and you store it several days there. Then get, defreeze and prepare.

9. Prepare potassium permanganate solution. Part a potassium permanganate pinch on liter of water and soak in it meat.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
