How to prepare parsley broth

How to prepare parsley broth

Curly leaves of parsley - frequent inhabitants on kitchen gardens. It is often added to various dishes in time cooking. However, this and quite strong medical and cosmetic which is applied in the form of broths or infusions.

It is required to you

  • - a bunch is fresher than some parsley greens
  • - water
  • - sharp knife
  • - two pans of different diameter


1. Take a big bunch of fresh parsley. Well wash its baking plate with flowing water. Try to separate each branch from each other well to wash away the dirt which perhaps got on leaves and the earth. Stir up parsley to shake excess drops of water. It is possible to put for some time a bunch in a colander.

2. When excess water flows down, separate several branches and put on a cutting board. Sharp small knife a grass. For preparation of one portion of broth to you will be two tablespoons of the cut parsley enough.

3. Pour water into a wide pan or a metal bowl and bring water to the boil. In water put other saucepan, less, in which put the crushed greens which are filled in with 1 glass of boiled water. Close a saucepan densely a cover. On such water bath take broth of minutes 10-15. Then set aside a saucepan in which parsley broth was prepared aside and let's cool down to room temperature. Such broth has different methods of application. In certain cases, when it is necessary to accept it inside in the medical purposes, to perhaps dilute a little it as on a water bath it turns out a little more concentrated. For application outwardly, for example, in the cosmetic purposes, such concentration well will approach.

4. Prepare the remained washed-out parsley subsequently to do new broth. Small cut fresh parsley. For this purpose. That it was long stored and didn't whither, it needs to be dried. Take a clean sheet of paper and equal, quite thin layer spread out to it the cut grass. On this leaf parsley will also dry. It is necessary to put it in the dry, dark place. Often hostesses dry herbs, having spread out a leaf on the fridge or kitchen lockers. Considering, of course, that on them the fumes from the working plate didn't get. While parsley dries, it should be stirred and overturned from time to time that all grass well dried out. When it becomes absolutely dry and fragile, it is possible to put away it in a glass jar with a cover. It is better if the cover is glass or metal twisting too.

5. From such dried parsley you will be able to prepare again broth when it is required. Take two tablespoons of raw materials on a glass of boiled water, and, having infused, broth of parsley will be able to help you with many situations.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
