On a grill possibly not only to bake vegetables entirely or to fry pieces, but also to prepare a full-fledged dish which can become remarkable snack or a garnish for meat.
- 2 eggplants of the average size;
- 4 spoons of olive oil;
- 1 small bulb;
- 4 large tomatoes;
- 100 g of a soft cheese (it is better to use cheese with garlic and greens);
- 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs;
- salt to taste.
Technology of preparation of a dish
Wash up vegetables. At eggplants destem. Cut them lengthways on 6 slices. Put on a baking tray, season with spices and sprinkle olive oil.
Put a baking tray on a grill, cover and bake until eggplants blush. Then turn, again sprinkle slices olive oil and again bake.
Peel onions and cut large half rings. Warm oil in a frying pan. Put in it onions and a pripustita to softness. Cut tomatoes large segments, add them to onions and extinguish everything together about 5 minutes.
Put ready eggplants on a plate and let's cool down. After that lay out them in the form for roasting which is previously oiled by olive. Lay in it a layer of the eggplants fried on a grill. Strew them with cheese. The following layer - stewed tomatoes with onions. Further put a layer of eggplants, cheese and onions with tomatoes again. From above strew all with bread crumbs.
Put a form on a grill and bake a baking plate a cover within 15-20 minutes. The ready-to-eat meal has to become covered by a crunchy ruddy crust.