Easter - a light orthodox holiday which brings joy and fun not only to adults, but also children.
I give several ways of painting of eggs for the light holiday Easter.
1. When painting egg it is possible to use various things. We will take, for example, leaves of plants. We take a leaf and strong we put it to egg, winding it with a gauze and we lower in paint. The Poderzha in paint, accurately we get egg and we remove a gauze with a leaf. We oil a leaf sunflower that it shone.
2. Instead of plants it is possible to use an adhesive tape also. We will cut it different strips and we include imagination. We glue an adhesive tape as we want, after painting we remove an adhesive tape.
3. We will remember how our great-grandfathers in an onions peel painted eggs, adding also imagination. We take egg and we roll it in any grain, it is better in barley that it stuck. We wind in a gauze and we cook in a peel within 5-7 minutes. A peel has to be much therefore it is better to begin to collect a peel in advance. We get egg, we remove a gauze and we allow to dry.
4. Eggs can be ornamented a marker. You can think up the drawing what you want, at the same time to give and to the child to dream up together with you.
5. The easiest way of painting яйц is a boiled egg to lower for several minutes in strong tea. Tea is better to use scalded.