How to make tasty impregnations for biscuits

How to make tasty impregnations for biscuits

Do you want biscuit pie to be more juicy, gentle and fragrant? Prepare tasty impregnation for cake layers. Choose the option from several reliable recipes with use of simple products.

Coffee and cognac biscuit impregnation


- 2 tablespoons of a ground black coffee; - 2 tablespoons of cognac;

- 1 cups of water; - 1 cups of sugar. Fill sugar in a stewpan or a small pan, fill in it 0.5 cups of water and put on strong fire. Heat everything to full dissolution of dry ingredient and bring to the boil. Make on the next ring coffee in the Turk on the remained water and let's it 15 minutes infuse, having put to the warm place, for example, on edge of a plate.

Filter coffee infusion, connect it to cognac and sweet syrup. Carefully stir everything, cool to room temperature and soak biscuit cake layers.

Before impregnation by coffee and cognac syrup the biscuit needs to be sustained (to allow to dry up) not less than 4 hours after pastries. If to moisten it in a soft look, it quickly razmoknt and will collapse.

Classical chocolate biscuit impregnation

Ingredients: - 1 tablespoons of bitter powder of cocoa; - 100 g of quality butter 82.5% fat;-100 g of a condensed milk. Put on a plate a big pan with the water poured up to 2/3 heights. Insert into it heat resisting capacity slightly less that its bottom plunged into liquid. Put the desi cut small into cubes there, and kindle it on a water bath then pour cocoa powder and add condensed milk. Properly mix everything and at once water a biscuit, so cake will turn out more juicy.

Creamy impregnation for a biscuit

Ingredients: - 200 ml of 10-20% cream; - 4 tablespoons of a condensed milk. Pour cream and condensed milk in a bowl of the mixer and vent to a uniform state. Make impregnation the turned-out liquid mass still of a hot thin biscuit, without taking out it from a form, and leave it at several o'clock before full cooling.

Process of treatment of biscuit cake layer can be accelerated if to puncture it with a wooden skewer or a toothpick in many places.

Biscuit impregnation from juice and alcohol

Ingredients: - 1/3 cups of juice (cherry, orange, peach and so forth); - 2 tablespoons of sugar; - 3 tablespoons of strong alcohol (cognac, rum, vodka); - water. Fill sugar in a glass with juice, pour alcohol there and add everything the necessary amount of water to the brim of ware. Warm up impregnation that grains of a loose component completely disappeared. Remove it from fire and plentifully moisten the biscuit cake layers which are well dried in the warm place. If cake small, prepare a half of a portion.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
