For preparation of liqueurs in house conditions syrups (sugar as the basic and various aromatic, for example, fruit, berry, vanilla, coffee, chocolate , etc.), alcohol and water are used.
1. Sugar sirop1 kg sugar peska3/4 l водыВ clean ware to pour out sugar sand, to fill in with boiled water, to put on fire, to bring to the boil and to cook on weak fire before formation of transparent syrup. Formed at the same time it is careful to scum a spoon. On a spoon there can sometimes be a gray scurf — it needs to be erased a clean rag. Filter the welded sugar syrup a cher a strainer and a gauze in the clean porcelain or not enameled ware and to allow to cool down if you aren't going to flavor it, to pour in clean wide-neck bottles.
2. Apricot (peach) liker250-300 spirta300-400 of apricots (peaches) 3/4 glasses sugar peska1 1/2 glasses sugar siropa1 a glass водыСпирт to mix ml with water in a proportion 1:2.5-3. Peel ripe fruit from stones and knead before receiving homogeneous mass. To take kernels from stones, to clean them from a peel and to grate with small openings. Fill up with granulated sugar and leave for 2 hours for insisting. Then to add cold water, to mix and leave for 1 hour then to filter. Mix the received juice with a sugar syrup, put on fire and boil within 5 minutes. Cool. Mix with an alcohol liquid and set 20-25 days.
3. Banana liker250-300 spirta1/2 the kg cleaned bananov2 a glass of icing sugar or small sugar peska2-3 a glass водыСпирт to mix ml with water in a proportion 1:2.5-3. Clean and grate bananas on a plastic grater. Put the received gruel in a porcelain or emelirovanny dish, fill in with cold water, fill up with sugar and it is good to mix. Leave mix for 4 hours, then mix with an alcohol liquid, pour in bottles and insist 3 weeks.
4. Vanilla liker250-200 spirta3 big a vanilla bean or 2 bags vanilina1 l sugar сиропаСпирт to mix ml with water in a proportion 1:2.5-3. Put a sugar syrup on fire and bring to the boil, then on average fire when hashing to add vanillin or vanilla beans, having divided them previously into halves. Then to remove syrup from fire, to filter, cool and mix with an alcohol liquid.