Long since people knew that carrots improve sight and composition of blood and also strengthens immunity. It contains the mass of vitamins and minerals (carotinoids, group B vitamins, flavonoids, etc.). Also this vegetable has fine gustatory qualities. There is a set of dishes which include carrots, for example, all known, vinaigrette. But how it is correct to cook this root crop for salad?
It is required to you
- necessary amount of carrots;
- water;
- salt;
- pan;
- brush for vegetables;
- spoon;
- knife or fork.
1. For a start choose good firm carrots on which there are no cracks and black specks. Vegetables have to be bright color, smooth, equal and it is desirable one size.
2. Take necessary amount of carrots and well wash in cool flowing water. Then carefully scratch a brush for vegetables and rinse. It is undesirable to clean root crops. It is also undesirable to cut big carrots before cooking. When vegetable is crushed, the area of its contact with water considerably increases. As a result the most part of useful substances (фалькарцинол, natural sugar, etc.) is washed away and remains in a pan.
3. Put carrots in a pan and fill in with the added some salt boiled water. Measure an amount of water in advance. It has to cover very few vegetables (approximately on 1 finger). Cover and put on a plate on the strongest fire.
4. Wait for that moment when water begins to boil, and lower fire on minimum. Then uncover and begin to stir slowly regularly. It is necessary in order that carrots didn't stick to a pan bottom.
5. You cook vegetables within 20-25 minutes. Don't forget to check their readiness from time to time. For this purpose use a fork or a knife. If the knife (fork) enters a root crop easily, so it is ready. Try to cook carrots so that it remained slightly firm in the middle. Razvarenny vegetable isn't suitable for salad.
6. Drain all water from a pan with carrots and let's vegetables cool down.