Stuffed cabbage leaves are a tasty and light dish with which it isn't a shame to treat the most dear visitors. Usually they prepare with meat stuffing, but it is possible to enclose in them and just with rice with vegetables.
It is required to you
- white cabbage - 2 kg;
- mincemeat - 500 g;
- rice - 100 g;
- carrots - 2 pieces;
- onions - 2 pieces;
- vegetable oil - 150 ml;
- tomato paste - 100 g;
- parsley;
- salt and pepper to taste.
1. Prepare cabbage leaves. Cut out as much as possible cabbage stump from a head of cabbage to facilitate process of office of leaves. Then lower a head of cabbage in the boiling, slightly added some salt water.
2. After leaves become softer, accurately cut off everyone from the basis and get from water. The main rule at the same time is not to digest, otherwise then they will become watery on consistence and not so tasty.
3. If streak in the middle of a leaf very firm, cut off it a knife from the inside, trying not to damage a leaf. It will facilitate process of turning of stuffed cabbage leaves and will make them softer.
4. Make a stuffing. Boil rice to semi-readiness in salty water, mix it with forcemeat and add salt and pepper to taste there.
5. Roast the onions and carrots cut by straws in a frying pan. When they become golden color, add a little tomato paste there and part with water. Boil fried vegetables within 5 minutes and switch off.
6. Inwrap forcemeat in cabbage leaves. Put a small amount of a stuffing across a leaf as it is possible closer to the basis. Carefully inwrap the leaf basis, then both sides, and then curtail it across.
7. Warm a deep frying pan, pour in it a little vegetable oil and lay out the curtailed stuffed cabbage leaves. Fry them within 3 minutes from each party.
8. Put stuffed cabbage leaves in a pan, add fried vegetable weight and fill in all with water. It has to be so much that it covered stuffed cabbage leaves, but it is no more.
9. Bring stuffed cabbage leaves to the boil and boil thoroughly within 10 minutes. Lay out them in plates, decorate from above with the cut parsley and give to a table together with sour cream.
10. Grapes leaves will help to add piquancy to stuffed cabbage leaves. It isn't necessary to boil them, rather simply carefully to wash up, inwrap in them forcemeat and to prepare in the way described above. Stuffed cabbage leaves will turn out not worse.