To cook rich soup, it is the best of all to do broth of beef. And to receive unique taste, soup should be cooked in pots. It is necessary to add a rich variety of vegetables and fragrant spices to meat. Time for preparation will leave much, but the nourishing lunch will exceed all your expectations.
It is required to you
- - beef of 500 g
- - potatoes of 300 g
- - eggplants of 200 g
- - tomatoes of 200 g
- - paprika of 200 g
- - garlic of 5 cloves
- - carrots of 150 g
- - onions of 100 g
- - salt and pepper
1. Wash out and cut beef pieces so that they were convenient to be eaten in finished form.
2. Onions, eggplants, paprika and tomatoes to wash, clean, remove seeds where it is necessary and to cut in medium-sized cubes.
3. Cut potatoes small bars.
4. Clean and grate carrots – on large or small doesn't matter.
5. In big ware to mix meat with all vegetables, to add small chopped garlic, spices and to allow to infuse 15-20 minutes.
6. Spread out the received mix on pots, having filled them on 2/3, and from above to add 2 pieces of bay leaf.
7. Fill in vegetables with meat water so that it closed them completely. Cover each pot with a cover. Warm an oven to 200 degrees and prepare 1-1.5 hours. When giving on a table the dish should be strewed with greens.