Talk about healthy nutrition concerns many more and more. Undoubtedly, the aspiration to a healthy lifestyle – it is fine. But with what to begin and how to accustom itself to eat unusual, but healthy food? Begin with the simplest – after the correct breakfast.
What has to be the correct breakfast and whether there is in general such? Disputes on harmful and useful products won't cease in any way. What to prepare for breakfast that it was nourishing, useful and what is important, tasty?
For a start let's understand that nutritionists and nutritsiolog categorically don't recommend to use since morning and on an empty stomach. Unfortunately for many, it is coffee. Soluble sublimated drink contains many chemical components in the structure, and natural strongly irritates mucous a stomach that especially dangerously to people with gastritis. But what morning without fragrant hot coffee? For the correct breakfast at first drink a glass of water (not cold!), and then enjoy favourite drink.
Favourite addition to coffee for many – pastries. Conveniently, nourishingly, tasty and, apparently, it is useful. Not at all. The pastries containing yeast will surely ferment and the increased gas generation in intestines. The sugar used on an empty stomach provokes the strengthened work of a pancreas. It should emit a lot of insulin which, in turn, causes sharp falling of glucose in blood. As a result in an hour you receive laziness and drowsiness, and in a couple of hours a bigger feeling of hunger, than was since morning.
Don't refuse morning meal at all. All doctors unanimously claim – it is necessary to have breakfast. But for the correct breakfast choose products in which the squirrel is a lot of, slowly acquired carbohydrates and useful fats. Protein is construction material for our cages, and carbohydrates sate an organism with the energy necessary for the whole day.
Ideal option of the correct breakfast – porridge. Not without reason in kindergarten this dish is obligatory since morning. Perfectly the porridge or mix of grain welded on milk or water without addition of sugar approaches. If the prospect is unsweetened porridge to you categorically in the mornings it isn't pleasant, add a few dried fruits or fresh fruit to a dish. Try as an experiment popular овсяноблин with different additives today. You are surprised, but it is really tasty!
Also since morning it is possible to use the boiled eggs or omelet complemented with meat of chicken or a turkey. These products are quickly and easily acquired, give to an organism power "feed" for a long time and don't damage health. Don't neglect a dairy products. Cottage cheese, cheesecakes, souffle from cottage cheese and yogurt, various casseroles – a good start of day. Add to them nuts or bean, and you receive a tasty and correct breakfast.
Making the correct breakfast, sometimes do yourself ease. Drink coffee, eat tasty sweet bun. It won't damage to either a figure, or health. But only in case so to do only sometimes.