About advantage of honey

About advantage of honey

If you look for really tasty medicine, then honey – for you. About advantage of honey the set of materials is written already, but not to repeat that honey is extremely useful, it is simply impossible!

Historically honey was considered as extremely useful delicacy and it not for nothing. Except sugar, it contains a large amount of the vitamins and minerals useful to a human body therefore honey this extremely useful delicacy.

In what advantage of honey?

Honey is useful at colds and inflammations as it is a natural antseptik. Because of this property it was even used for treatment of the infected wounds. Antimicrobic properties of honey will help also at a tonsillitis, other similar diseases. In Russia, honey was advised not only at catarrhal diseases, but also at an anemia, exhaustion, overfatigue. Honey positively influences digestion, calms nervous system, promotes increase in immunity. It is important to remember that the honey picked by bees on different flowers possesses a full range of above-mentioned properties, but depending on structure of honey, they are shown in different degree. For example, in a buckwheat honey most of all iron, in comparison with other types of honey, and it means that buckwheat honey best of all will help at anemia. Akatsiyevy honey is especially appreciated absence of an allergy to it. Donnikovy and chestnut honey is recommended for blood supply improvement. We traditionally eat white honey at colds quicker to propotet.

How to use honey?

With honey it is good to have tea, and on Pancake Week it is worth eating pancakes with honey. In case of problems with a throat or a mouth take a honey teaspoon in a mouth. It is possible to add honey to tea or milk. In the latter case it perfectly promotes falling asleep.

Honey is applied also in masks to care for skin of face and a body, for hair.

It is important not to forget that as well as you shouldn't overeat any other useful product, honey.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
