When you work on the Internet, there is a need to switch data transmission rate. It can occur, for example, when several users leave from one connection. Or you save traffic and try to control amount of the given data.
1. Provided that for downloading of files you use a download manager, for example, of Download Master, the speed of loading can be corrected in settings. In a main window of the program you need to click the Action point. Then find to term "Speed". The new list which will consist of five versions will open. Include the Adjustable setup. If everything is made correctly, you will see the slider in a bottom line of a download manager. Move it to adjust speed to the necessary value.
2. µTorrent is a torrent client, in it it is possible to switch both the reception speed, and speed of unloading of data. In all setup of speed by default costs "Beyond all bounds", so you can lower speed to the necessary value. Such function is available for separate files and for installation by default. To switch the speed of reception/transfer of the specific file, you should select it from the list of torrents at the left. Click with the right mouse button to open a context menu. Find the Speed Priority parameter in it, then "Limit loading speed" ("Limit return speed"). There will be a new menu, there it is necessary to put necessary value. The first time minimum speed 25 CBs / with if you come the second time – a lower limit of speed will be less. Minimum speed – 1 CB/page.
3. The value of speed by default changes in general settings. Click the Setup point in the menu µTorrent, then the line "Configuration". As an alternative – Ctrl+P key shortcut. Select the Speed parameter. In a column there will be on the right two lines in which it is possible to set the necessary value, it "The general speed limit of return" and "The general speed limit of reception". Set in the necessary window desirable value of speed in the CB/village.
4. NetLimiter – the program very simple in management. It is provided for the trialny period in 28 days. You can download it from the official site of vendor. Install, later click a program icon, then click "Open". Establish speed sensing type connections, for example, of Kb or Mbit. In the field "Downloading Speed" hammer the necessary value of speed.
5. There is a free Traffic Shaper XP program. The developer – Bandwidth Controller. From their website it is possible to download the program, then to install on your computer. Start the program – you will see a window with the text "Welcome to a setup wizard of network". Click "Further" / "The downloading speed" / "The loading speed", hammer the necessary value, click "Further". Later it is necessary to select type network connection (as a rule, it is "Local area network"), click "Further" and "Is ready".