How to make a sword in Maynkrafta

How to make a sword in Maynkrafta

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Having a little played Maynkraft, you will notice that to be at war barehanded is quite problematic. Therefore developers provided a number of cold weapon for near and far fight. We will talk specifically about one fighting unit and we learn how to make a sword in Maynkrafta.


1. The sword is one of the most useful and demanded objects in Maynkrafta. By means of it it is possible to destroy some blocks much quicker, than hands are leaves, wool and other. Each block destroyed by a sword takes away from it two units of durability.

2. Before making a sword in Maynkrafta, we will consider some of its characteristics. It is possible to attack by means of it, clicking the left mouse button, and to carry out protective blocks – the right button. Swords kraftitsya from five different types of materials: diamonds, gold, iron, stone and tree.

3. To make a sword in Maynkrafta, it is necessary to arrange on a workbench components in a certain order. From below the stick, on top one of the materials selected by you, listed earlier is located.

4. To make a sword of iron, it is necessary to use iron ingots and a stick. It is possible to strike with an iron sword in total 251 blows. The loss makes 3 hearts, critical blow – 5 hearts. A strong middling, having a little developed economy, can use this type of a sword.

5. To create a stone sword, instead of iron it is necessary to use boards. It is possible to strike with a stone sword only 132 blows. The loss makes it 2.5 hearts, critical blow – 4. At early stages of a game will descend why and is not present.

6. To make a gold sword, use gold ingots instead of iron. The gold sword can be made only 33 blows. The loss makes 2 hearts, critical – 3. Not the best choice, to put it mildly. In general it is considered that in Maynkrafta inexperienced beginners use gold things, at the real pros it raises only a smile.

7. To make a diamond sword, use diamonds instead of iron. It is possible to strike with a diamond sword 1562 blows. Its loss makes 3.5 hearts. If it is critical blow – 6 hearts.

8. To make a wooden sword, use any boards instead of iron. The number of blows which can be put is not really high – only 60. The loss from this weapon makes 2 hearts, and critical blow – 3 hearts.

9. Now you know how it is possible to make a sword in Maynkrafta of any available materials. All battles with enemies will take place from now on much more effectively and the number of your victories will undoubtedly increase.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
