How to install a skin for Minecraft

How to install a skin for Minecraft

Minecraft pleased millions of gamers, first of all, because of the diversity. Here everyone can select, than be engaged at any game moment, without being tied to a specific task. Besides, players in most cases define even that, their character will look how exactly. Installation of its skin happens in different ways.

It is required to you

  • - license copy of a game
  • - the websites offering skins
  • - nickname of other player
  • - piracy servers


1. By default your character in a game will receive default shape - an image of "miner" familiar to many fans of Minecraft Steve - the dark-haired fellow in blue trousers and a t-shirt of turquoise color. If to you such skin not on temper (for example, owing to the wide use), you can try on on yourself other its forms - in a tuxedo, in different sports suits, in an orange uniform of the prisoner or in the Scottish kilt. When even they are unacceptable for you, look for other options of appearance of the game character. You will easily find them on the specialized websites.

2. When you have a license Minecraft key, installation of any skin will not cause in you particular problems. Besides, the selected appearance will be shown at your character not only in a single gameplay, but also on any multi-user resource (perhaps, except for some piracy). Select on the portal offering different skins the fact that you like more than others, and click on the inscription near it suggesting to add it to Now the given shape will be with you, will not bother yet, and then you will be able to change it the same way.

3. If you do not wish "to be ruined" on the license, and therefore are content with the piracy version of a favourite game, try one of several listed below ways of installation of a skin. For example, select that image on the specialized website that to you to liking, and save the file with it on own computer. Give to this document a new name - char.png. Now open any archiver - for example, WinRAR - and through it come into the folder with minecraft.jar. Find in it the char.png file, delete it and replace with what was created recently. Now you, having come into a game, receive a desired skin, but, unfortunately, its other users will not be able to see.

4. When you are eager to have by all means an opportunity to show the updated game image to the rest, try to replace it by a bit different method. Borrow a skin from some owner of the licensed version of a game. For this purpose, having beheld desired option of appearance of the character, remember also a nickname to which it is tied. Now on all resources be registered under such nickname. However do not forget: if the owner of the account connected with your skin wishes to replace the last, to your character there will be the same. Then you should on new look for the same game appearance but tied to other nickname, to be re-registered already under it and, respectively, to begin a game again.

5. You are eager to become the owner of more "stable" skin? Go to play to piracy servers. On many of them users get a chance to install the most pleasant skins one click of a mouse (almost as well as owners of a license key of a game). However relevant metamorphoses will be it for you only on that resource where you made similar change of appearance. Besides, sometimes you are required to install also there a special launcher on which you will download the installation file on the same piracy server.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
