It is possible to find and load into the Internet on the computer movies for every taste: black-and-white classics, Japanese anime and last Hollywood new products. However the speed of downloading of the video file often is low, and loading process lasts for long hours, and sometimes and days.
It is required to you
- BitTorrent client program
1. Download and install the program for loading of big files from the Internet. It is better to select one of versions of the BitTorrent client program as the easiest to find and download the necessary movie on one of a torrent resources.
2. Make sure that you installed one of the latests version of the torrent program. Developers constantly improve the program, accelerating and optimizing loading process and distributions of files. At start of the old version you will have a window with the offer of update, do not ignore it.
3. Click the Setup tab in the torrent program. Select the line "Configuration". This parameter can be opened, having clicked at the same time the Ctrl and P keys. In the appeared window select the Speed parameter from the list at the left. Press in a window near the line "General Restriction of Loading" the desirable speed of downloading designated in KB/page. You can remove a limit on downloading speed, having put in a window 0.
4. Select the loaded file with the movie which speed of downloading seems to you insufficiently fast, and click the right mouse button. Find in the opened menu the cursor the line "Speed Priority" and check near the High parameter. It should be noted that this way influences the speed of loading of the separate file if you at the same time have several downloadings. If you download one movie, then changes in a speed priority will not influence its loading in any way.
5. Limit the number of simultaneous connections. At a large number of the simultaneous Widows connections can incorrectly work. Temporarily disconnect Skype, ICQ and antivirus software. Suspend other downloadings if those are available.
6. Use special programs for change of settings of connection with the Internet and loading process optimization. Users of Windows can install the TPC Optimizer program for this purpose, and owners of Mac OS can recommend Mac Pilot or Cocktail.