For search engines the most important part of the text published in network are keywords. Exactly being guided by them, the searcher gives to the user the results requested by it. From such words, their saturation and arrangement the relevance of the search results given at the request of the user depends. The correct definition of keywords for future text allows to raise result in search delivery above.
1. Be at such keywords and synonyms to them that they precisely and in detail opened an essence of the created text. For example, for the text about sausages keywords will be phrases "sausages", "meat products", "semi-finished products" and, etc. It is necessary to understand very well a text subject to pick up enough synonyms to the subject of the text expressed by one-two phrases.
2. Use the dictionary if own lexicon is not so big. The dictionary of synonyms and technical terms will be suitable as well as possible for drawing up synonymous couples of keywords.
3. Have keywords according to text style and a manner of the narration. For example, in scientific material or article the frequent insert of keywords, and here for news and other materials frequent presence at the text of keys - the obligatory rule is not allowed. The text subject in the first case should reveal, and in the second - it is more often to repeat.
4. It is important to arrange correctly keywords in the text. The search engine together with search result displays a small fragment which will be shown together with the request highlighted in bold type. Therefore the thought needs to be expressed in the text precisely, not to use for keys all synonyms in a row, and only necessary, differently semantic perception of the text will be broken.
5. Check during text typing whether occurred between separate offers after an insert of keywords of semantic separation or stylistic errors since keys are usually inserted unchanged, do not incline on cases. Search engines learned to distinguish the cognate words written by different cases quite recently and to consider them for one; however it is impossible to hope for technologies of searchers and it is necessary to use direct occurrences if such in the text was not.